Nicole Snell had a successful career in the entertainment industry but then switched to leading workshops on self-defense in life and the outdoors. How and why?

Hiking safely
I first became aware of Nicole Snell when she popped up in my Instagram timeline. At the time I was converting a video series on safely solo hiking among mountains into a podcast.

Where I focussed on the technical aspects of safely hiking mountains and frankly any other Natural environment, Nicole brought to my attention an aspect which I never truly considered. And though I am loath to say it, an aspect that is especially important to solo female hikers — even more so when those female hikers are part of the BIPOC community — the community of people that are Black, Indigenous and people of colour.

The fact that I never even thought about that element of hiking safely likely has to do with the fact that I’m over six feet tall, have a rather low voice for a woman, have very short hair and because of it have often been mistaken for a man. However, it also says volumes about the white privilege with which I move through the world.

When I started following BIPOC people in the outdoor space on social media, it became clear to me how safety is something they have to take into consideration in a way that until then had never even occurred to me.

I invited Nicole to be a guest on the podcast because she clearly is someone who practices self-leadership and has a strong connection with Nature. I did not invite her to specifically talk about the outdoor experience of BIPOC people though I’m sure it will be part of our conversation as that experience is also Nicole’s.

So let me tell introduce you to Nicole.

Nicole Snell - a total badass
She is a dynamic and award-winning international speaker and self-defense expert specializing in sexual assault & violence prevention education, boundaries and personal empowerment.

She is the CEO of Girls Fight Back, the world-renowned personal safety and self-defense seminar for women and girls, and is the creator of Outdoor Defense, an online series that aims to help women stay safe while enjoying the outdoors or travelling solo.

Nicole is an avid solo traveller, outdoor enthusiast and adventurer having visited 26 countries on 6 continents to date and is an adventure leader for Black Girls Trekkin.

Nicole is a NACP Credentialed Advocate and sits on the board for IMPACT Personal Safety in addition to being a Lead Instructor.

She has travelled the world speaking to groups at colleges, K-12, corporations, the US military and private events.  She believes that everyone has the right to walk through the world feeling safe, powerful and confident!

 Follow Nicole via her website, Instagram and YouTube channel