Linda Aspey lives in the beautiful Cotswolds, a rural area of south-central England. Designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1966, the Cotswolds covers 787 square miles (2,040 km2) and, after the Lake District and Yorkshire Dales national parks, is the third-largest protected landscape in England.

That she’d be living in an Area of Outstanding National Beauty is very fitting when you consider Linda’s passionate love of Nature and her drive to protect it. Something she started doing with a passion in early 2018 when she started studying the climate and ecological crisis when she became painfully aware of the scale of the damage we humans are doing to our world, and what needs to change if we and other life forms are to continue.

The knowledge she gained she has brought into the work she does with individuals, teams and organisations who want to make meaningful & positive impacts in a rapidly changing world.

There are no clear answers but a growing number of people are calling for change, looking at ways to respond and building stronger communities to help us through these unprecedented times.

Her work with leaders, teams and organisations on facilitating conversations around regeneration and sustainability gives them – and herself – genuine hope that we can turn the corner.

Linda has worked with all kinds of people from a variety of sectors and organisations, from small to large, new to old, informal to formal, who’ve all created opportunities and faced challenges; some unique, some similar.

This includes coaching leaders to get clear on their purpose, develop their skills and lead themselves and others well. She’s met people stepping courageously into the unknown, sometimes even when they have a deep-down sense of inadequacy – and helped them overcome seemingly insurmountable fears, often permanently.

Linda has seen how some meetings have killed off ideas before they’ve even been born and how great meetings have fostered connection, energy and results. She has helped leaders begin the transition towards sustainable, regenerative business practices, building a better future for all.

Her background in mental health and well-being has helped her help others to develop their resilience on many levels.

She has spoken at numerous international and national conferences, led masterclasses, and designed and delivered many interactive events online. And she has taught, qualified, supervised and supported many others in doing this work, learning from each and every one of them.

A keen advocate of high professional standards in coaching, Linda launched and led BACP Coaching, the coaching division of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy in 2010 of which she is an awarded fellow. From 2013-2018 she chaired and led the 50-strong panel of executive coaches at the Centre for Entrepreneurs.

Linda is the originator of a systemic conversation framework – ‘With the Earth in Mind’ – for facilitating coaching, leadership, team and community explorations around climate change and the environment.

She is a global faculty member of Time to Think, one of 25 people worldwide who teach and qualify Coaches and Facilitators in the Time to Think approach developed by Nancy Kline.

She also delivers keynotes on thinking cultures, climate psychology, climate coaching & climate leadership, and as a committed member of Extinction Rebellion, Linda delivers public talks and trainings on the climate crisis and nonviolent activism.