In this episode, I read something about waving the white flag that Donna Ashworth wrote. It hit me hard when I read it because I waited so damn long to wave that white flag. I played the diet game for far too long hoping I would one day get that dream body of mine.

I spent way too many years hating, shaming and trying to make my body something it may have never became…Because society pushes these beauty standards and YES, I fell prey to them along with the diet mentality. 

There are so many women out there that are going through or have gone through what I just explained so I had to put them out there so you know you are not alone. 

Body acceptance can be difficult and I get that. We have to realize that we only have one body and even if we are working on it ( making it stronger from the inside out)  we have now, is 100% worthy of love, kindness and acceptance without changing a single thing. It’s time to stop the war with ourselves!

Breaking free of the diet mentality and societal expectations that you need to be thin to be happy is total FREEDOM!!