Yes, I said DANGEROUS…In today’s episode I am going to talk about society’s beauty standards and why the suck and afre dangerous. Take a look around on social media and look at the cray things that get attention. 

Doesn’t everyone want the “perfect” figure, pouty lips and whatever else they promote that makes you socially acceptable? It seems it all comes down to appearance and whtehter or not you feel accepted in today’s society. The standards are a bit irrational and king of hard to keep up with since they are ever changing. 

I’m calling bullshit on these standards and telling you that they can be down right dangerous. Not only for us women today BUT for our children and here’s why…


From body dysmorphia to eating disorders to negative emotions AND even suicide…I’ll be diving into them all and the dangers of them. Let’s chat more about that…shall we? 


I also mentioned last weeks podcast about waving the white flag on the fantasy ( perfect) body. You can listen to that HERE