I hear it all the time...I just don’t seem to be building any muscle or losing fat and I’ve been working out for a while now. Sound familiar? 

In this episode, I’m going to be revealing 5 reasons why you’re not losing fat and building muscle. 

If you're exercising on a regular basis, it's easy to get frustrated when you're not seeing the results you're working so hard to achieve. Yet before you get down on yourself or, worse, start to think that your working out isn’t quite working out, hear me out. You may just need to make a few simple tweaks to your routine to start building muscle and melting fat. 

I get it… You’ve been working out, and eating what you think is right, but you’re just not gaining the muscle that you thought you would or losing the fat. It sucks! Doesn’t it? 

Sure, you could lift weights until you’re blue in the face, day in and day out, following the best exercise and nutrition plan out there to a tee, but without an adequate amount of nutrients, you’re not going to get where you want to go. Ohhhh could that be one of the 5 reasons??

From getting enough rest to eating enough and being consistent with your workouts, I’m giving you the low down on it all. 



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