In this episode, I’m bringing out a little more of my story.

I never know IF and when I should open up the book and start a new chapter BUT I’ve been having a LOT of conversations with a lot of women lately and it seems they have gone through a LOT of what I have gone through. I KNOW we’re not the only ones so, in an effort to let you ladies out there who may have gone through or BE going through any of this…I want to share it to let you know you are NOT alone!! 

I have done MANY crazy things to try to lose weight and make my body OR parts of my body smaller and I feel like with each new attempt ( and failure) I got further and further away from being healthy. Funny thing though, the compliments just kept coming as I was “leaning out” or “toning up”. 

Not only did the compliments keep coming, I still hated what I saw in the mirror, feared food, feared gaining any weight back, and feared any kind of gathering that would have “bad” food to tempt me. How’s that for healthy??

When I say I’ve tried it all, I pretty much HAVE TRIED IT ALL and didn’t even give my over health one single thought as long as I was getting smaller…UNTIL IT ALL BACKFIRED on me. 

From meal replacement shakes, diuretics, magic pills, cleanses, and potions to working out EXTRA HARD I have been there and done that and I’m about to share it all with you…