So many times, we step on the scale and we’re either doing the happy dance because it’s down a few pounds OR we are ticked as all get out because the numbers have gone up a bit. Are ya feeling me here?

In this episode, I’ll be filling you on on a few of the reasons the scale fluctuates ON A DAILY BASIS…it’s really nothing to get all worked up about. If you are anything like I used to be, it would literally set the tone for the day. 

Before we get started, let me just fill you in on a little secret…the scale doesn’t define you nor does it really give a straight answer on your overall health. 

I get it, the scale causes a LOT of anxiety for some people…it used to drive me crazy whenever I stepped on it. Over time, I developed a healthier relationship with it…I know many of us need to improve our relationship with the scale so I hope this podcast helps. 

The beginning of a good relationship with the scale starts with understanding your weight will fluctuate! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ This is a science!! Not a moral debate on self-worth! Many factors contribute to weight spikes that have nothing to do with fat gain! ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 

Your weight can fluctuate based on this such as, how much water you’ve been drinking, how much sodium you are eating, whether or not you have taken a POOP lately ( yep, I went there), stress, and hormonal changes in your body…NOT ONE OF THEM has a thing to do with FAT gain so don’t sweat it. Let’s talk a bit more about all of this…shall we?