Link to Julia's Book: Go Big Now!

In this video I get to sit down with Julia Pimsleur, who is on a mission to get 1 million women to 1 million dollars in revenue in their businesses. She is a business and entrepreneur mindset coach but her training can be really be used by anyone who wants to go big in any area of their lives. 

Mentally STRONG and The Mentally STRONG Method are very aligned with these concepts and learning The Mentally STRONG Method can help you gain insight to get you into that mindset shift. 

We discuss how both of us have noticed that negative self talk is a pervasive problem especially with women. Cut out that negative self talk! 

Dr. Cristi Bundukamara, Ed.D, PMHNP-BC --- A Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor of Healthcare Education has experienced unimaginable trials that have caused many feelings such as depression, anxiety, anger, & overwhelming stress. 

However, she has developed a new pathway to becoming Mentally Strong & Choosing to be Happy.  With purpose, Dr. B has developed the phases that were refined within the Mentally STRONG Method that she created and wants to share with you.

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