What’s it REALLY like working for yourself vs. working for someone else? It’s time you finally see all the nitty-gritty behind-the-scenes stuff most folks don’t want to talk about when it comes to being an entrepreneur.

In this podcast, I dive into the myths of working for yourself as well as the perks of working for someone else. I made this podcast to correct the typical oversimplification we see in the online business world of “entrepreneurship is GOOD and jobs are BAD.”

As with anything, there are perks and downsides to both, but since we spend most of our time hearing the perks of entrepreneurship and the bad parts of employment – I’m flipping the script and showcasing a more realistic view.

If you want access to the research behind the episode, head over to the blog: The truth about working for yourself vs. working for someone else.

Mentioned on the podcast:
Duped: The Darkside of Online Business
Wantrepreneur: Professor Explains the Fake Entrepreneur Industry

And get access to my free private podcast on “What Do I Really Want?” where I teach you my favorite, super simple exercise for figuring out what you really want ASAP!