Courtney Holgate-Champney joins the podcast and talks about finding her path later in life, falling into healthcare supply chain for nonprofit healthcare through temp work (and loving it at the time!), and ultimately making a career change into tech in her 30s after a period of feeling dissatisfied and “stuck.”

Courtney and I dig into:

How moving away from her hometown was the first step to stepping into her own power and living a more aligned life.How she got her Bachelor’s degree in Public Health at age 32 and how it gave her the foundation for making changes later in her career.How networking ultimately helped her realize how her current skills working in healthcare supply chain were well suited to tech sales – something she NEVER thought she’d do, that she absolutely loves, and that gives her family much more financial security and stability.How more flexibility and extra financial security with her job has allowed her to give back to her community, support local businesses, and volunteer more.The hardships that helped prepare her for a career change in her 30s and the 10 months it took to make the change.Handling the rejections along the way to making this career change.

Courtney currently works in technology sales and has been in this position for over two years after moving from healthcare supply chain at a local non-profit healthcare system. She loves learning and talking about supply chain and healthcare, however her passion is in empowering women in industries that are traditionally dominated by men. Her undergrad is in public health and she also has an MBA, both from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, where she currently resides with her husband and four year old. 

You can connect with Courtney over on LinkedIn or follow her on Instagram @workingwomxnrise.

Check out the blog for more!

Extra resources mentioned in the interview: ubu pod interview with Erika Tebbens – stats about women, money, and giving  back to the community

Courtney’s favorite book: Burnout: The secret to solving the stress cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

Stacie’s recommended book on therapy: Maybe You Should Talk To Someone by Lori Gottlieb