All of us are going to experience adversity in our lives, and undoubtedly, it will cause some despair and grief when it happens.

Most of the time, we don’t get to choose whether we’re going to experience something difficult. Things simply happen.

However, what we do get to choose is whether we stay in that place of despair…..or whether we thrive through it.

This week, you’re going to meet Alisa Jones.

Alisa had her first seizure and was diagnosed with ecstatic epilepsy when she was 40-years old. Suddenly being a person who has seizures created an interesting set of obstacles and rules, but also an interesting set of possibilities. In the new book, Gotham Girl Interrupted, she shares a collection of comedic essays about life with epilepsy as a single mother in Manhattan.

This episode will give you the inspiration you need to THRIVE through uncertainty and adversity.

In this episode we cover:

The importance of not giving in to despair - When Alisa was diagnosed with epilepsy, she had a choice to make. She had to decide whether she was going to give in to the despair that she initially experienced or whether she was going to lean into the opportunity that was in front of her to help educate others on a condition that is very misunderstood.

Channeling your beginner’s mind - So many times, we rush through life to the point that we miss the moments in our lives that deserve to be savored. Being mindful of small details around you can help you calm you mind, it can snap you out of the passive mindset we typically operate in, and put you into a more active state of mind to live in the NOW.

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