Today on the Bravehearts Rising Podcast I'm talking to the brilliant Eli Trier. Based in the beautiful city of Copenhagen she is a community builder for Quiet Revolutionaries and is passionate about helping introverts with big dreams to get connected and build thriving, engaged communities so that they make their corner of the world a better place.

In this episode Eli talks about community projects as powerful vehicles for change. She also shares with us her experience of being diagnosed with autism in her late thirties and how this gave her permission to be herself unapologetically.

This is such a rich conversation and definitely one for you, if you want to make a difference in the world but find yourself worrying about what other people will think.

Connect with Eli here: Website | Instagram

About your Host - Lisa Pascoe

I'm Lisa and I'm an Intuitive Life Coach. I am on a mission to help sensitive souls like you to tap into your inner guidance to gently yet courageously navigate the world and your purpose, while also supporting your wellbeing. I do this through 1:1 coaching, soul-nourishing circles and events.

You can find me here: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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