I sit down with professional Olympic Weightlifter Vadim Kozevnikovs and listen as he tells me the outrageous story behind his recent disqualification by the Latvian Weightlifting Federation.

Vadim is a 27-year-old full time weightlifter who has represented Latvia at 5 European Championships and 2 World Championship competitions. His best total is 372kg, with a 164kg Snatch and a 208kg Clean & Jerk.

In the beginning of May 2021 Vadim received an email at 10pm one night, telling him that he was disqualified from competing for the Latvian Weightlifting Federation. He was given no reason why and has received no answer to his appeals for information.

Follow and support Vadim:
Instagram: @vadimkozevnikov
Sign his petition: https://www.change.org/VadimKozevnikov
Email him: [email protected]

Follow Biff
Insta: @biffoly
Website: https://coach-biff.com/

 Biff Bash Bosh
1. Representing the sound or action of delivering a series of blows.
2. Indicating something accomplished or completed simply.
3. A simple and hard hitting podcast by Biff.
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The aim of this podcast is simple; it facilitates and archives the deep conversations i've had with exceptional human beings. If you have a suggestion for a future guest, please send them my way. 

Love Biff.