Ash Dykes is an extreme (ly crazy) athlete and explorer who has 3 World First Records under his belt. Ash has been held at gunpoint, stalked by wolves & has climbed Madagascar's highest mountain, carrying a white chicken named Gertrude. 

Ash is only interested in adventures if he can do them on a shoe string budget, with minimal planning and no back up, which means he has some outrageous stories.

In this episode I ask Ash one million questions about what it't really like to experience these adventures. 

Follow on Insta:
Ash's insta: @ash_dykes
Ash's website:
Biff’s insta: @bewildbiff
YouTube & Spotify: Biff Bash Bosh Podcast 

Thank you so much for listening!
Having conversations with incredible people like this honestly lights my soul on fire. The purpose is purely to feed my curiosity, but if my guests can inspire, educate or support people along the way then i’m stoked. 

If you have anyone who you think would be a slamming guest then please send them over my way!

As you can tell I’m definitely still learning how to podcast so if  you have any thoughts or comments then i’d love to hear them. 

Drop me a DM on Instagram!!

Love, Biff x