Episode Zero- This trailer will give you a taste of what this podcast is trying to achieve.
What will you get from the show ?
What will be the change in you as a result from listening to this show ?
The host will inspire, educate, motivate and entertain you whilst attempting to help you on your own struggle through adversity.

He goes beyond his own struggles as a police officer on the frontline battling his own demons on a daily basis whilst dealing with a debilitating  family breakdown.
Listen to his philosophy and strategies' he cultivated over a prolonged period to move from a life of chaos to finally  find his passion, purpose and his  "WHY"

This is a Physical, Mental and Spiritual survival guide to help you overcome any adversity or struggle you are currently facing and move out of survival mode into a life you truly deserve.

Book Recommendation: "Discipline Equals Freedom, Field Manual by Jocko Willink

Matthew McConaughey - This Is Why You're Not Happy | One Of The Most Eye Opening Speeches


Website: https://www.beyondthestrugglepodcast.com.au/


Beyond the Struggle Podcast Website - https://www.beyondthestrugglepodcast.com.au/