Reflecting on the Euphoria character "Cassie," Evan Rachel Wood's new documentary "Phoenix Rising" (about her struggle with domestic violence, grooming, and sexual assault at the hands of singer Marilyn Manson), and recent events with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West inspired me to sit down and reflect on my own chaotic experiences with grooming, domestic violence and sexual assault throughout my teens and twenties.


I realized that the thread that connected all of the chaos was an underlying disconnection from my intuition or "gut feeling." In this episode, we discuss how to reconnect to our sense of inner knowing and how to move forward and heal from toxic connections that we previously thought were love but weren't.


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Breakdown of topics covered:


■ A timeline of my chaotic love life from the ages of 15-28

■ How so many of us lose a connection with our intuition in childhood

■ How being a late bloomer in school and struggling to fit in turned into an obsession with male validation

■ Sexual grooming: my experience being groomed by men in their 30s and 40s between the ages of 15 – 17

■ How I learned that rape isn’t black and white 

■ Rebound relationships & domestic violence(rushing into things too soon before knowing the person)

■ My experience meeting Zaz and understanding that true love is “friendship first” (finally finding safety in a relationship)

■ Strategies on tapping into our intuition when we’ve lost a connection with it (practical exercises from Martha Beck)


Resources Mentioned on This Episode:

Phoenix Rising Documentary with Evan Rachel Wood

The Gathering Room Podcast

5 Steps for Tapping Into Your Intuition (Article by Martha Beck)

“Trip Down Intuitive Memory Lane” Exercise (Lesson 3)

Intuitive Scoring (Lesson 4)

Intuition Conversation with Non Dominant Hand (Lesson 5)  

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