I can’t promise that this episode will cure you of your fears or obsessions with death, but I *can* promise you that your perspective on it will shift – even just a little – after listening. And that, my friend, is progress. In this episode, you’ll join my dog Cody and me for a little chat as we walk through the woods. As we stroll together, we’ll discuss how the concept of death drives many of our unconscious and self-sabotaging behaviors (as well as those of the people around us.) I'll also explain how I've healed my religious trauma and found my own safe space in spirituality that has helped me cope with these big feelings and how you can start your journey in this process, too.

 📝Recommended resources:

Movie: “A Ghost Story” (2017)

Book on the tarot that jump-started my spirituality journey: “Fearless Tarot” by Elliot Adam

Episode of the podcast where I interview Elliot Adam

Inspiring talk on the 13th century poet & Sufi mystic Rumi

Talk on St. Teresa of Avila’s Life & Teaching on Surrender

Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul & Spiritual Desolation of St. John of the Cross

Talk on The Centering Prayer Meditation from the Festival of Faiths

The Noble Journey from Fear to Fearlessness with Pema Chödrön

Ho'oponopono Mantra for Healing Everything with Dr. Kim D'eramo

Disclaimer: information contained in this podcast episode is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for treatment or consultation with a licensed mental health professional. 


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