During this episode, you'll hear the second and final part of my conversation with Melanie Goldman. I connected with Mel through Instagram. I was struck by how she used her large social media platform to spread a positive and hopeful message about BPD recovery and knew I had to have her on the podcast.

After being diagnosed with borderline personality disorder ten years ago, Mel is currently pursuing a degree that will allow her to practice as a therapist and open a center for others suffering from BPD.

Below you'll find a detailed list of the topics covered in the episode, as well as links to the many resources mentioned. I hope you find them helpful!

Links to resources mentioned in today's episode:

Book | "Building a Life Worth Living: A Memoir" by Marsha Linehan

Wikipedia Current Events (a way to view what's going on in the world without extreme polarization)

Mark Manson's Newsletter "Mindf*ck Monthly"

Book | The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Netflix Documentary | The Social Dilemma

YouTube Video | Doing "The Work" with Byron Katie

YouTube Video | Releasing Emotional Pain - Tapping with Brad Yates

YouTube Video | Does Shaking Heal Trauma?

Book | The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

Connect with Melanie:

Mel's IG | @mindovermelanie

Below is a breakdown of the subjects Mel and I cover during part two of our conversation:

• Desperately seeking a diagnosis (thinking that we can't begin healing until we get a "formal" BPD diagnosis)

• Toxic BPD subreddits (avoiding rabbit hole of forums)

• The importance of critical thinking skills when navigating different BPD resources (how the media use fear and manipulation techniques)

• BPD morning routine hacks to start the day

• Processing big feelings and emotional trauma

• Inner child work (reconnecting to what used to bring us joy)

• The negative impact social media can have on BPD recovery and the importance of social media detox time

• Parasocial relationships (how getting caught up in them can hurt us)

• The harm caused by pursuing validation through social media

• The art of radical acceptance and its role in recovery from borderline personality disorder

• When to tell the people we love we have BPD

• How friends and family members can support their loved ones with BPD

• BPD relationships (navigating the ups and downs

** BFTB is the place to be for the tea on all things BPD, EUPD, and emotional dysregulation. Join the community of thousands of likeminded individuals pursuing recovery and their best selves on Instagram @bpdtea **

In the US, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-8255. In the UK and Ireland, Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123 or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. In Australia, the crisis support service Lifeline is 13 11 14. Other international helplines can be found at www.befrienders.org.

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