If you have enjoyed the episode you can download Becky's free guide 

‘How to cope with Menopause anxiety’ -  here  https://bit.ly/3418y0j


Click HERE to get your FREE copy of the Guide To Building Emotional Resilience to create a solid foundation of well-being today and start living a life that you love: https://sarahdrees.co.uk


In this episode:

2.14 Sarah welcomes Becky and Becky takes us through her journey to opening her private practice which she works in today

4.10 What Becky loves about working in her private practice

5.10 Why did Becky choose to specialise in mental health during the menopause?

10.00 What are the common struggles women come to Becky with?

11.00 Menopause is unique for every woman and the changes that happen affects different women in different ways

13.10 Becky's fresh perspective on the menopause being a "workout for the soul". Changing the narrative around the menopause

16.40 Hormonal shifts during menopause and adrenal fatigue

18.35 Addressing the taboo and lack of understanding around menopause

21.10 The Hormone Replacement Therapy medication shortage

22.30 The psychological impact of the menopause and anxiety. What is different about anxiety related to menopause?

24.30 Why do we stop being able to reproduce? Becki sheds light on women's post-menopausal purpose through a case study on whales, the only other mammalian species to experience the menopause.

28.00 Where does anxiety during menopause come from? Why is psychological flexibility so important during this time?

30.20 Why is post-menopause women's prime period?

32.50 Becky shares her top tips for women struggling with or worrying about the menopause

36.50 What resources does Becky recommend for women to learn more about the menopause and mental well-being

40.00 What would Becky say to her 15 year old self? 


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FREE GUIDE:  How to cope with Menopause anxiety https://bit.ly/3418y0j


90 Minute "Pause Power" sessions with Becky: https://bit.ly/2V8cHeX

Follow Sarah Rees:

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📽 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_qrmeUtBCtzLGb5Q-H6w5Q


Connect with Dr. Becky Quicke

👔 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-becky-quicke%E2%9C%A8menopause-psychologist-965268b5/

📲 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beckyquicke/

📲 Website: https://www.beckyquicke.com/

Let's Keep in Touch  

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This episode was written and presented by Sarah Rees. It was edited by Big Tent Media and Produced  by Emily Crosby Media.