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In this episode of Amerikan Therapy our host Sasha and Starr discuss how they navigated through a recent major conflict with each other.  This show turns the focus on the host and how they themselves are implementing the therapeutic methods and strategies learned through the show.  Show Psychiatrist, Dr. Royster, MD is joined by psychologist Dr. Krystal Stanley, Ph.D. and organizational design coach Olu M. Burrell, MSOD/PCC to help mediate said dispute and give our listeners tips and skills to better navigate their personal conflicts. 

What Is Conflict Resolution?
Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful resolution to a dispute. Conflict may occur between friends, business partners, co-workers, or between supervisors and subordinates, or between service providers and their clients or customers.

Some conflicts are essentially arbitrary, meaning it doesn’t matter who “wins,” only that the problem is resolved so everyone can get back to work.Some conflicts reflect real disagreements about approach and rules of engagement.

The Conflict Resolution Process:

Recognition by the parties involved that a problem exists.Mutual agreement to address the issue and find some resolution.An effort to understand the perspective and concerns of the opposing individual or group.Identifying changes in attitude, behavior, and approaches by both sides that will lessen negative feelings.Recognizing triggers to episodes of conflict.Interventions by a truly impartial third party.A willingness by one or both parties to compromise.Agreement on a plan to address differences.Monitoring the impact of any agreements for change.Support the show