Going through traumatic events can sometimes come with a sense of shame that prevents us from letting others know about our pain and struggles. We may feel as though the trauma is our fault, or that it is just who we are, but that is not the truth. The truth is that although we can experience trauma in our life in the form of others hurting us, it is not who we are, and we have to take our power back from the shame that we carry. The guest in this episode is an incredibly inspiring woman that did just that.

Keziah Bussell, or “Kaz” is a survivor of abuse that she experienced at the hands of people that were supposed to love and protect her. In this episode, she shares her story and hearing it will change your life and perspective on the shame that we carry with us. Her bravery and determination are a testament to her strength and will to not let her past define her future.

After finally getting the help she needed to overcome the panic attacks and intense pain from her past, she opened up a virtual gymnastics academy and has a thriving business and beautiful family. Through sharing our stories and reaching out for help, we can overcome and thrive. Tune in for more about this incredible story of breaking the power of shame.

Key highlights:

Keziah’s story of being born to a teenage mom, being adopted, and growing up in abusive homes without a way to know how to escapeAlison urges everyone to be a light and pay attention to how kids are you are being treatedKeziah’s biological parents got custody of her after she escaped abuseOvercoming her trauma through therapy and medicationKeziah’s advice to people feeling hopelessAlison explains the “suicide brain.”How Keziah teaches gymnastics online

Connect with Keziah Bussell:

Website: coachkazgymnastics.com

TikTok: @KazBussell

Instagram: @KazBussell

Connect with Alison:

Instagram: @alisonanswers | @lagercounseling

Website: LagerCounseling.com

YouTube: Alison Answers

Facebook: Alison Lager Lcsw Casac