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Hey Momma! In this episode I am taking a deeper dive into the topic of rediscovering who you are. As moms we tend to put ourselves on the back burner all too often and we forget about taking care of ourselves. As we do this we get more and more disconnected from who we are and what we desire.  And before we know it we are looking in the mirror asking "how in the world did I get here and who am I besides a mom?". So I am giving you a special practice that you can begin implementing into your day, that will help you connect more with yourself and rediscover who you are and what you desire for your health and happiness. Happy Listening!

Topics this episode:
-A quick reminder of my new Re-Connect Program for Mommas
-My personal experience of how I was disconnected from myself and how I began to reconnect
-Why rediscovering who you are is so important
-A practice you can begin implementing right now

If you desire to re-discover who you are and re-connect to the powerful version of you that you are within, I would love to have you join my Re-Connect Program that begins April 10th! You will walk away knowing more about who you are, what you desire, and as a happier more healthier version of you. DM on Instagram or Facebook to join and for any questions or inquiries.

I hope you loved this episode! Please share it with a fellow momma that you know would love it too and don't forget to hit that Subscribe button! Thank you so much for listening...and remember you are Powerful, you are Worthy, you are Enough, and You are doing an AMAZING JOB!

Connect with me:
Instagram: @msreneseyvette
Facebook: Renese Yvette
Clubhouse: @reneseyvette
Clubhouse Club: The Abundantly Empowered Mommas Club

I hope you loved this episode! Please screenshot and post in your stories or DM me with any questions or comments you have on Instagram, and don't forget to hit that FOLLOW button or leave some love with a rating/review wherever you listen to your podcasts. Thank you so much for listening...and remember you are doing the best you can with what you have, and THAT is more than enough.



Connect with me:

Website: reneseyvette
Instagram: @msreneseyvette
Tik Tok: @renese_yvette
Facebook: Renese Yvette