AADOM Radio & RecallMax Presents:

Josh Muir-Director of Strategic Partnerships-RecallMax

Learning Objectives:

1. How technology can help you spot the quick wins in your practice.

2. Understand how to build a patient care journey beyond automation.

3. Learn the limitations of your processes and how technology can solve them.

More About Josh:

Josh Muir, Director of Strategic Partnerships

Josh is responsible for consulting with DSO’s and group dental practices on how RecallMax can help grow their practices organically through hygiene optimization and system implementation. Backed with over a decade of senior leadership experience in the medical service industry he is highly experienced in growing organizations on an acquisition and operational basis. Josh’s expertise is in identifying the key opportunities within growing practices and can provide advice on how to create buy-in through the process of change.

More About RecallMax:

RecallMax™ is regarded as a personal assistant for your entire team. It keeps dental chairs full, workloads manageable, practices productive, and staff and patients happy. Our industry-leading software does this by taking the stress away from time-consuming and frustrating operational tasks. Leaving you focused on dentistry and patient care whilst we take care of helping your practice run effectively and efficiently so patient retention and practice revenues continue to grow.
Behind our software sits a team backed with decades of dental industry experience. In fact, RecallMax was designed by dental professionals, for dental professionals, which is why we are recognized as the number one productivity enhancement tool in the dental industry today. Let us help you stay on top of treatment plans, collections, filling short-notice cancellations, and more.
For more information see our website, or to book a demo click here: https://www.recallmax.com/book-a-demo

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