AADOM Radio & Roadside Dental Marketing 


Kelsey Halvarson-Roadside's Privacy & Security Officer

Learning Objectives:

● 6 HIPAA marketing mistakes often overlooked  

● You’ll walk away with an action plan to fix those mistakes and fast

● Why HIPAA could skyrocket your SEO rankings and visibility

Learn More About Kelsey:

With 15+ years of experience in online marketing, SEO, and paid ad campaigns on Google, Facebook, and other major platforms, Kelsey helps his clients get found online with forward-thinking strategies.

Now becoming Roadside’s Privacy and Security Officer, Kelsey leads the team to adhere to HIPAA compliance while getting their clients measurable ROI. Kelsey is certified for Google Ads, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Bing for Paid Ads.

Learn More About Roadside Dental Marketing:


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