AADOM Radio & TruBlue Social Smiles Presents:

Fred Joyal-CEO-TruBlue Social Smiles

Learning Objectives: 

Why patient video testimonials are so impactful

Where to use testimonials to maximize their marketing value

The team's responsibility in requesting testimonials

What resources can be used to simplify every step of the process

More About Fred:

Fred Joyal is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. He co-founded the most successful dentist referral service in the country, 1-800-DENTIST. He is currently the CEO of TruBlu Social Smiles. He has previously written two bestselling books on marketing for the dental industry, Everything is Marketing and Becoming Remarkable. His humble brags are he once beat Sir Richard Branson in chess and was also a question on Jeopardy. He is an avid cyclist, a below-average tennis player, and an even worse golfer.

More About TruBlue Social Smiles:

TruBlu Social Smiles is a software platform that streamlines the process of requesting patient video testimonials and then maximizes their use in all your practice marketing. Video testimonials are the most powerful marketing tool ever created, and Social Smiles makes it easy for the patient and the practice to capture their full value.


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