Show notes:

This week in the 2024 Summer Podcast Series, we are headed way into the archives back to episode 11 of the 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care podcast: How to Say No the Wholehearted Way with Rosie Molinary.

Rosie is one of my dearest friends and teachers. She writes life changing books, creates beautiful pieces of art and tells a damn good story. 

Rosie is the creator of the Summer of Intentionality and her lessons in using her time intentionally has helped me prioritize what is most important and let go of what isn’t a fit now (or ever) all without guilt. In this episode Rosie offers her 6 step framework for deciding if something is worthy of your calendar at this stage in your life.

I would love for you to listen to this interview with Rosie. She is a delightful human and I am sure you’ll walk away with some wisdom you didn’t even know you needed. You can find all the episodes and show notes at

As always, if you like this show please tell a friend and/or leave a rating and review.