Latest Wealth dynamics Podcast Episodes

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You Don't Always Know

Your Business Quest - June 16, 2021 04:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
‘Remember when Osmaan was totally in love with the IT teacher?’, blurted out a friend over dinner. ‘Erm no I wasn’t!’ … I quickly responded, whilst turning a shade of bright red! ‘Yes you so were!’ … pipped up some of my other loyal school friends. The truth was out! Because I really did fanc...

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Come As You Will Be

Your Business Quest - June 09, 2021 05:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Ever been to a ‘Come As You Will Be’ party before? Honestly, they’re ace & make for such a great theme for a party! They can help motivate you in making things happen in your business & life. In this episode I'll explain how they work & why I love them so much. Of course feel free to invite ...

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Where is the Grass Greener?

Your Business Quest - June 02, 2021 05:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
“I wish I could make things happen the way they do!” How many times have you had that thought or feeling? You know … like the grass is greener … over there & for them! It’s definitely a sign of some ‘comparison-itis’ going on. I had a personal experience of this too recently, which I’d love ...

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Are You Trying To Run Ahead Too Quickly?

Your Business Quest - May 26, 2021 05:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
I nearly went flying straight into the garden pond …. head first! Because I was in such a rush & actually didn’t know there was a concrete step on the patio. Luckily my mum grabbed me, so I avoided getting drenched. But I still remember it to this day, even though it happened when I was like ...

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Are You Working Or Actually Procrastinating?

Your Business Quest - May 19, 2021 05:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
 Does this resonate?   ‘Sometimes I feel like I’m not actually working when I’m creating content & doing some admin work. Which makes me lose motivation & then procrastinate. I don’t know how to fix my mindset & stay consistent with content creation?’   This juicy question was sent in the ot...

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How to Stop Driving Yourself Crazy as a Business Owner

Your Business Quest - May 12, 2021 05:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Do you ever feel like you’re doing things ‘wrong’ in your business? I’ve had those feelings many times over times since starting my business & I see loads of business owners driving themselves crazy because of this & some other common things. Like when you see things working for others but whe...

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Sales Transaction Or Transformation?

Your Business Quest - May 04, 2021 22:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Honestly, before you started your business, how much did you actually think about the fact that you’d need to actually sell ‘things’? Because I really didn’t think about it at all. I was way more excited about the parts that came before getting clients & after getting clients. But not the actu...

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Be More Patient

Your Business Quest - April 27, 2021 22:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
My recent ‘overnight success’ in business has taken nearly 14 years! SERIOUSLY! I’m working with an exciting new client on a big project with their team & want to know how it ‘fell into my lap’? One of the key leaders in that company saw me deliver a talk about mindset … about 10 years ago! ...

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What's Not Going To Change?

Your Business Quest - April 20, 2021 22:00 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
When can we get back to ‘normal’? I’m hearing that a lot! But do you really want everything to go back to exactly the way it was before? When things don’t happen the way you expected or you experience a setback, it can be all too easy to want to run away from it as fast as you can. But has it...

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Collaborations & Connections

Your Business Quest - April 13, 2021 22:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
What’s get you the most traction in your business so far? For me, it’s been the power of collaborations & connections by far. But what I’ve found from my experience, these don’t work well if you are seeking them out with the mindset of .. ‘what’s in it for me?’ or ‘what can I get from this?’ ...

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Your Identity

Your Business Quest - April 06, 2021 22:00 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Do you see yourself as being a business owner or business leader or entrepreneur? Cause you’d be surprised at how many ex-corporate professionals who are now trying to grow their own business, still don’t make that identity shift!  I see it all the time & honestly, that was me too in the first...

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Driving Your Business Forward

Your Business Quest - March 30, 2021 22:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
My 17th birthday was approaching & I was super excited. I had the day planned months & months in advance. I was preparing for it & counting down the days. I couldn’t sleep much the night before, as my head was buzzing. Because on that very special day & had booked to go & sit an EXAM! Yep …...

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Vision Before Goals

Your Business Quest - March 23, 2021 23:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Picture the day when you’re sitting booking a holiday with a travel agent. ( I honestly can't wait!) I know that after the year you’ve just had, if they asked you …. ‘where would you like to go?’ … you’d probably say … ‘ANYWHERE!’ But that’s not really going to help them or you, is it? Think...

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Positive & Supportive Beliefs For Business Owners!

Your Business Quest - March 16, 2021 23:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Beliefs … they influence how we think, feel & what we do. That’s why I’m always banging on about identifying & then letting go of those limiting & negative beliefs, so they don’t hold you & your business back. But what about those positive beliefs? Those ones should be cherished, nurtured & r...

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The Behind The Scenes Reality

Your Business Quest - March 10, 2021 11:14 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Behind closed doors, the reality of a person’s life & business can be somewhat different from what you think or see! This became clear again to me when watching Oprah interview Harry & Meghan the other night. And it’s so important that you remember this, because otherwise you could be playing ...

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Let A Book Choose You

Your Business Quest - March 03, 2021 10:16 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Have you ever let a book ‘choose’ you?  If not … give it a go .. because it’s super fun & useful! Whether that’s from your own bookshelf or whilst walking through a bookshop (I can’t till they re-open here in the UK)? I do it all the time & I’ve literally had the perfect book fall right in fr...

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Jigsaw Puzzles & Business Growth

Your Business Quest - February 23, 2021 23:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
What do you get as a birthday gift for a 9-year-old, with the attempt to prise them away from being glued to electronics? Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit & Jigsaws …. all Harry Potter related of course! And do you know what … I honestly believe that if there was a scientific study in how you go abou...

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Create Your Thank You Bank

Your Business Quest - February 16, 2021 23:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
From time to time, we could all do with a little reminder of how much we’ve helped current or previous clients or customers, right? Especially at those times when you may be having a ‘wobbly’ moment or your internal imposter syndrome is trying to start a pity-party. The thing that helps me & l...

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Stop Ignoring It!

Your Business Quest - February 09, 2021 23:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
I had one of my worst ever coaching experience, a good few years ago. At a high level, it involved a client telling me something, without us realised his wife was listening to the full conversation behind the door! And it’s fair to say she wasn’t best pleased & understandably so. I’ll share mo...

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'You Must Make Haste!'

Your Business Quest - February 02, 2021 23:00 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Bridgerton.  You binge watched it yet? We did & I surprisingly really liked it … especially considering I used to say, ‘I don’t like period dramas or things set in the really olden days’. It’s now been the most watched Netflix shows since it was released with 82 million views too – which blew ...

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Don't Take Business So Personally!

Your Business Quest - January 27, 2021 12:25 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
It can hurt! When someone says, ‘No thanks’ or if they ghost you after appearing to be your perfect next client. I totally get it … I really do! Because unlike having a job, your business can feel like it’s your baby & you can be so precious over it. In some ways that can help you & your bus...

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Could You Be Bolder?

Your Business Quest - January 20, 2021 16:51 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
I think you could be even bolder! Bolder with your vision & goals! Bolder with your mindset! Bolder with the actions you take! What do you think? I was looking through some old photos recently & found this one of Monica Lewinsky & me! And it reminded me of some bold action I took back in m...

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What are your business dreams?

Your Business Quest - January 13, 2021 13:45 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Do you still dream? I remember when thinking about being my own boss, was once only a dream. The thing with dreams is that they can help you see what you really want & inspire you to then make it happen. But they need to be YOUR dreams & right for you, right now … as they can change. Today i...

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Really Commit to Your Business Growth

Your Business Quest - January 05, 2021 23:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
My heart was pounding & my fingers felt like icicles, as we were riding around Central Park in New York in a horse-drawn carriage on a freezing cold winters evening. This was THE moment when I was about to make the biggest commitment of my life. ‘Shareen, will you marry me & we’ll see if it wo...

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Creating Your Next Chapter?

Your Business Quest - December 29, 2020 23:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
I hope you had a lovely Christmas … filled with movies, indulgent food & relaxation. I’m sure you’re now sitting getting ready for the bells to soon chime in the new year. Are you looking forward to kissing goodbye or kicking 2020 way into the past? But before you rush straight into the new y...

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What Gift Can You Give Yourself?

Your Business Quest - December 22, 2020 23:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
I know you’re a super generous person. It’s so easy to focus on everyone else & what they need. But what about you. What do you want or need? Take some time out to think about what gift you could give yourself. In this week’s super short podcast idea, I share a few examples & what gift I’m g...

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Why Goal Setting Isn't Enough!

Your Business Quest - December 15, 2020 23:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Let me get out of my crystal ball & predict something for you …. Over the coming days & weeks, you’re going to get loads of messages by e-mail & social media talking about … ‘what are your goals for 2021?’ Am I right or am I right? Goal setting does help BUT it’s only a tiny part of growing yo...

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Let Go Of Regrets

Your Business Quest - December 08, 2020 23:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
‘I should have …’ ‘If only I ….’ ‘I wish I did ….’ It’s funny how when you think about the things you didn’t do & now regret, you only think about the potential positive stuff that could have happened & you feel like you may have missed out on. You don’t tend to think … ‘If only I said yes t...

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Find The Exception

Your Business Quest - December 01, 2020 23:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
It’s so easy for our minds to play tricks with us … for example over generalising everything & then making us believe things that aren’t actually true! In this week’s podcast, I want to share one way that you can quickly help yourself to not let those negative mindset beliefs & stories get in ...

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Imagine Your Business as a Sausage Machine!

Your Business Quest - November 24, 2020 23:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 10 ratings
Imagine your business was a sausage … what would it look, smell, taste, feel & sound like? Is it nice, juicy, appetising & sizzling? Or is it a bit thin; lumpy, filled with random flavours or feeling a bit stale? Well what does that tell you about the ingredients you’re putting in … if that’s...

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