Does this resonate?


‘Sometimes I feel like I’m not actually working when I’m creating content & doing some admin work. Which makes me lose motivation & then procrastinate. I don’t know how to fix my mindset & stay consistent with content creation?’


This juicy question was sent in the other day & I’m sure you’re nodding your head thinking … yeah I feel like that at times too.


So why do we something think we’re skiving & what even is the ‘work’ part of your business?


I decided to dive into this question more deeply for you & help coach you through it, so you can Get Out Your Way.


Dive into my answer & thoughts in this episode.


Best wishes as always




Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

Take the free Get Out Your Way Quiz here.

Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.

* Ask a question for the podcast here.

* Discover which of the 8 Entrepreneurial Superpowers you have through the Wealth Dynamics Profile test here

* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at [email protected]

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.