Do you ever feel like you’re doing things ‘wrong’ in your business?

I’ve had those feelings many times over times since starting my business & I see loads of business owners driving themselves crazy because of this & some other common things.

Like when you see things working for others but when you try those same things, they just don’t seem to get the same results.

It’s frustrating right & then it makes you even start thinking … ‘Am I cut out for this?’

But want to know what one of the most common reasons that we feel like we're ‘failing’ is?

It’s because we’re either consciously or unconsciously following the ‘wrong’ role models!

Those people who have different values; Entrepreneurial Superpowers; visions & goals than us.

Crazy right, how we can be our own worst enemies & end up getting so caught up & distracted doing this in the way that is working for ‘them’ … but abandon the ways that actually have worked for us before or could work even better for us!

I honestly rant about this so much & I do (in a nice way) on this week’s podcast & blog, plus I share 4 more ways that us business owners can often drive ourselves crazy (when we really don’t have to!) ... including

Thinking you need to do everything!Overthinking & under-doingTrying to please everyoneNot having a clear vision or goals!

Even though I’ve been in business for 14 years this week (woo hoo – get the party poppers out) … I need to keep reminding me of these things regularly, as it’s so easy to fall prey to them. 


I truly hope this helps you avoid them in the future or to quickly kiss them goodbye if they’re currently impacting you.

Best wishes as always.



Here’s the extra links & resources for this episode:

Take the free Get Out Your Way Quiz here.

Book in for a free virtual cuppa (15 mins) here.

* Discover which of the 8 Entrepreneurial Superpowers you have through the Wealth Dynamics Profile test here

* Connect with me on LinkedIn; Instagram & on my Facebook Page here. Or e-mail me at [email protected]

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