Latest Tawhid Podcast Episodes

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AF9-Dicken & Harry Sharing 3P

Tawhid's podcast - June 18, 2024 04:24 - 1 hour
Session 1 of “3P in Africa SWAHILI” is Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Harry Derbitsky sharing in English/Swahili on the topic of THREE DIVINE PRINCIPLES. Dicken shares Sydney Banks experience of being connected directly to God & we are all One. He states underneath all my thinking was quiet, and as m...

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AF6-3P in Africa Seminar-Session 1

Tawhid's podcast - May 27, 2024 22:24 - 1 hour
Session 1 of May 26 "3P in Africa SEMINAR" with Guests Dicken Bettinger & 3P in Africa Educators. Into by Harry, short talk by Dicken on who he is and the expanse of 3P in the world, and highlighted by Jim Beck's work in Northern Uganda, and 2 powerful presentations by Sylivia and Joseph, whom ...

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Tawhid's podcast - April 14, 2024 00:51 - 25 minutes
½ hour Audio Podcast of 1.5 hours of sharing by Harry at Kiwanis Club in Nakivale Refugee Camp, Uganda on the MAGIC OF HAPPINESS & SUCCESS. This segment deals with the question of IS THERE SOMETHING TO DO TO GET MONEY? Simon from Nakivale queries this need in relationship to the topic of the sem...

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AF4-"Zahara asks, WHAT IS LOVE?" Bookclub

Tawhid's podcast - February 19, 2024 18:59 - 39 minutes
This podcast is a 38-minute extract from Sunday’s 2 hour introductory webinar on “ZAHARA ASKS WHAT IS LOVE” BOOKCLUB, written by Harry Derbitsky and read by Jim Beck. This podcast consists primarily of sharing’s by African 3P Teachers/Trainers including Gervin, Sylivia, Iragi and Joseph.  Each o...

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AF3-3P in AFRICA, Kampala Schools and Youth

Tawhid's podcast - January 02, 2024 19:14 - 39 minutes
This Podcast is a 35-minute excerpt from the 3P IN AFRICA CHRISTMAS EVENT, It highlights the 3P Team + Africans in KAMPALA Schools and Youth Programs Beyond. Jim Beck shares and introduces the wisdom of Aisha, Sylvie and Joseph. This podcast concludes with a sharing by Dr. Dicken Bettinger and H...

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AF2-3P in Africa

Tawhid's podcast - November 27, 2023 21:12 - 1 hour
Fresh new and powerful voices in the 3 Principles community from Nakivale (Uganda), Kakuma (Kenya) REFUGEE CAMPS & Kampala sharing their stories of LOVE & HAPPINESS and their experience of Love of God + the Role of Thought at play in their lives. The freshness and beautiful feelings they shar...

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Ep.51-Inner Peace in War and Conflict

Tawhid's podcast - October 29, 2023 23:57 - 1 hour
This podcast is a slightly edited 1-hour group discussion between Jews, Muslims, and others  in a 3 PRINCIPLES  setting on FINDING INNER PEACE IN TIMES OF WAR AND CONFLICT.  Uncover a wise perspective on Unity in this powerful meeting that aroused IMMENSE POSITIVE FEELINGS of RESPECT & LOVE  f...

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AF1-Zahara asks WHAT IS LOVE?

Tawhid's podcast - October 22, 2023 22:00 - 1 hour
This African audio book consists of 11 chapters, each of which has its own special teachings on love. ZAHARA ASKS WHAT IS LOVE? can be listened to as a book or taught as individualized chapters to students in an educational setting.   Zahara and Bibi are fictional African characters who emerg...

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Ep.48-Spiritual Dimension of Life

Tawhid's podcast - May 24, 2023 18:10 - 8 minutes
Podcast 48 is an 8-minute extract from THE GROUP DISCUSSION around The Role of Ihsan (The Spiritual Dimension) in Islam. Muslim teachings state that the Inside is Essence, and the Outside is Form. This is the same teachings of the 3 Principles, and uncovered from a state of 'not knowing.'

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Ep.47-Pain Issues & 3P

Tawhid's podcast - May 09, 2023 04:16 - 20 minutes
Podcast 47 is a 20-minute extract from the recent TAWHID show called INSIDE-OUT HEALING. Guests, Teresa and Maja share a Nurses-3P perspective on Pain Issues and Signals, and this podcast includes a wise discussion with a member of the audience.   THE FULL VIDEO can be seen at https://youtu.b...

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Ep.46-Oneness of God

Tawhid's podcast - February 20, 2023 02:52 - 39 minutes
We catch this 39 minute podcast midstream. Watch how Rabbi Shaul and Muslim marriage counselor, Ruby interact with each other. As they both become more interested in each other’s wisdom, Shaul even asks Ruby a question. Their sharing becomes inspiring to each other, as they demonstrate the Onen...

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Ep.46-Beyond Islam-Judaism Conflict

Tawhid's podcast - February 05, 2023 03:39 - 55 minutes
This podcast is an extract from probably the wisest talk ever given on the Jewish-Muslim conflict, on a topic that 3P has never addressed. This podcast of “𝘉𝘌𝘠𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘐𝘚𝘓𝘈𝘔 & 𝘑𝘜𝘋𝘈𝘐𝘚𝘔 𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘍𝘓𝘐𝘊𝘛” by our guests; Israeli 𝐘𝐚𝐞𝐥 𝐀𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 & Muslim 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐲 𝐊𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫 talk about the sharing of Oneness, Love, Inside ...

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Ep.45-Ego & True Self

Tawhid's podcast - January 26, 2023 19:35 - 12 minutes
This Podcast is a13-minute excerpt from the recent TAWHID Webinar on EGO &TRUE SELF. Included is a rudimentary explanation of Nafs or the Complete Self, a quote by Rumi, and Omar reading of a longish quote from Sydney Banks.

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Ep.44-Modello & Community Development

Tawhid's podcast - December 16, 2022 21:52 - 47 minutes
Guest JACK PRANSKY shares wonderfully with the audience about the MODELLO Project headed by Dr. Roger Mills; & includes factors in developing a community. He points to "what makes a difference with us" & "the importance of Sydney Banks", as re-iterated by an early member of Salt Spring. An Arme...

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Ep. 43-Future of 3P Nursing Globally

Tawhid's podcast - December 03, 2022 16:45 - 1 hour
Guests, Teresa Walding and Lyn McCright have grown to become leaders in the 3P Community. Their coaching organization is uncovering and sharing the Principles as applied to Nursing. Nursing is the largest profession in the world, and the Principles lay the foundation for nurses to not only love...

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Ep.42-Wisdom in Difficult Relationships

Tawhid's podcast - November 20, 2022 08:56 - 1 hour
Probably most of you did not meet the amazing ladies of MODELLO, a Dr. Roger Mills project from Florida that, to my mind, was the greatest 3P community project. This show has a strong flavor of this. 3 Muslim Mentors from the Addiction Department of Back to the Fitrah share their powerful and w...

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Tawhid's podcast - November 08, 2022 21:55 - 14 minutes
In this 14-minute extract of an hour TAWHID webinar, Ruby Kauser  explains how understanding the 3 Principles & connecting the 3 Principles to Islam, from her perspective, has led to real transformation and Truth in her Muslim marriage counselling practice—how some husbands have loved the transf...

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Ep. 40-HINDI-Addiction Department

Tawhid's podcast - October 18, 2022 17:46 - 30 minutes
This HINDI podcast is an extract from the Karan Detani Webinar Series and Three Principles to overcome depression, stress, anxiety, addiction etc. Facebook group on a 2 part HEALING ADDICTION GLOBALLY – There is hope for a happy life beyond addiction. Muddassir Altaf from India, Business Consul...

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Ep.39-URDU--Addiction Department

Tawhid's podcast - October 14, 2022 18:29 - 12 minutes
Here is a 15-minute audio trailer in URDU introducing the services of the ADDICTION DEPARTMENT of BACK TO THE FITRAH MENTORING ACADEMY  (, and an extract from the book published by the training director called EVOLUTION OF ADDICTION RECOVERY. AN...

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Ep.38-Being our Natural Self

Tawhid's podcast - October 07, 2022 19:32 - 55 minutes
This extract by Beverly Wilson Hayes shares BEING OUR NATURAL SELF with the 3 Principles and Our Spiritual Identity. She once again demonstrates how an ordinary person with a trusting spiritual connection inspires others to see their unlimited potential and spiritual gifts. A guest talks about ...

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Ep. 37-Our Relationship with the Divine

Tawhid's podcast - September 10, 2022 02:31 - 29 minutes
Podcast 37 is a 30 minute extract, as Omar and Harry kicked off our third season with a Group Discussion around '𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑺𝑯𝑰𝑷 𝑾𝑰𝑻𝑯 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑫𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑵𝑬'.   This unique discussion covered areas of trust and faith in Mind, Spirit or Allah; the spiritual and psychological nature of the Principle of Th...

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Ep. 36-Formless, Inside & Study of the Soul

Tawhid's podcast - June 03, 2022 21:33 - 23 minutes
This podcast is a 20 minute extract from Dr. Dicken Bettinger - The Spiritual-Psychological Connection of the 3 Principles - Part 2 on June 2.  Dicken shares a spiritual feeling of wisdom & a profound space of understanding while connecting the Spiritual and Psychological Worlds; and  on where a...

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Ep. 35-Inside-Out Realities

Tawhid's podcast - May 26, 2022 17:13 - 16 minutes
This 17-minute Podcast is an extract of our INVESTIGATION into a topic that we do not fully understand. Omar, Harry and Maja share honest observations and drawings, which led to a dynamic exploration by many of the other participants, into the mystical meaning of “Inside-Out.”, and of which the...

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Ep. 34-A Poem by Ruby Kauser

Tawhid's podcast - May 12, 2022 19:18 - 4 minutes
4-minute Podcast Extract of a poem entitled "I've Come Home." Listen to how false love, shame, guilt, fear and heavy burden of pain is exchanged for pure peace, love, happiness and Ruby's True Self, as she soars to freedom and real power.   Please watch the full video in which Ruby Kauser sha...

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Ep. 33-Trust in the Unknown

Tawhid's podcast - April 25, 2022 15:46 - 12 minutes
This 10-minute podcast discussion by Omar, Souad & Harry on TRUST IN THE UNKNOWN is an extract from a beautiful Group Discussion Webinar exploring Rumi's quote of “𝒘𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏, 𝒘𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒊𝒏 𝒂 𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒑. “     FULL 1 hour VIDEO WEBINAR entitled "We are the entire o...

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Ep. 32-Guiding Muslim Kids to Trust Inner Wisdom

Tawhid's podcast - April 14, 2022 18:24 - 1 hour
Guests; 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐲𝐧 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 and 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐝 from BACK TO THE FITRAH MENTORING ACADEMY sharing on their new course We R all OK for Kids, guiding Muslim kids to their innate well-being through the teachings of Islam and the 3 Principles. The children’s ability to love, and how teaching this from a Musli...

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Ep. 31-Emotional PAIN & Separation from Allah, God, Mind

Tawhid's podcast - March 21, 2022 17:40 - 44 minutes
GROUP DISCUSSION sharing when we are connected to God, Allah, Mind, it is easy to feel good about our life and what our eyes see. When we are disconnected, we cannot help but personally suffer, YET it is the doorway to more personal compassion regarding others who are suffering or in pain. When...

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Ep. 30-Pain & The Principle of Thought

Tawhid's podcast - March 10, 2022 16:58 - 9 minutes
Podcast 30 is a 9-minute extract of CHANA STUDLEY helping 2 different participants. Participant 1 is on the topic of Pain and The Principle of Thought while Participant 2 is on Dealing with Low Moods in Pain.   FULL VIDEO WEBINAR--

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Ep. 29-Marriage From an Islamic & 3P Perspective

Tawhid's podcast - February 20, 2022 01:46 - 1 hour
Marriage in the Muslim and 3P worlds is a sensitive and tricky topic in this Group Discussion. Listen to our honest and heartfelt conversations around the topic, while hearing the importance of intimacy, common sense and being true to Allah or Mind. This sacred relationship has challenges, but ...

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Ep. 28-Unity of Allah, God, Mind (Part 2)

Tawhid's podcast - February 04, 2022 21:53 - 1 hour
In many ways, this special podcast with guests, Rabbi Shaul Rosenblatt and Souad El Khantouri, along with other contributors, expands the horizons of our 3P community—IF THEY have the courage TO SEE & HEAR IT. Sydney Banks’ teachings brings life to all religions, and all religions bring life in...

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