Latest Steadyhand Podcast Episodes

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Podcast: Tom & Wil Discuss the Small-Cap Fund

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:32
In this podcast, Tom chats with Wil Wutherich, the manager of the Small-Cap Fund, about the fund's performance in 2008, the current opportunities in the market, and some of the fund's larger holdings. Listen now (the file may take a minute or two to download), or subscribe to our podcasts via ...

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Podcast: Amid the Doom and Gloom, it's Time to Hatch a Strategy for Better Times

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:32
In this podcast, I expand on my latest Globe and Mail column, where I identify three reasons why investors should be looking beyond the doom and gloom: (1) stock and corporate bond valuations are very attractive, (2) investor sentiment is close to maximum bearishness, and (3) there’s a mound of ...

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Podcast: Warren Buffett's 2008 Annual Letter

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:32
In this podcast, we discuss Warren Buffett's recently published annual letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. We posted a series of blogs last week on Buffett's recap of Berkshire's operations in 2008, and Tom's Globe and Mail column on the weekend highlighted some of the valuable p...

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Podcast: Fourth Quarter Review

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:32
2008 was an ugly year in the capital markets.  In particular, heavy losses were experienced in the fourth quarter, as widespread de-leveraging and indiscriminate selling took place.  Yet, every major market decline presents opportunities and investors should ensure their portfolios are well posi...

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Podcast: Global Equity Fund Update

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:31
Edinburgh Partners' Christine Montgomery was in town last week to present on the Global Equity Fund.  Tom also had a chance to sit down with her to discuss the fund's performance and some of the investment strategies that our Scottish partners are pursuing. Listen now (the file may take a minut...

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Podcast: Going Full Circle on Yield

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds If you’re an income investor, T-Bills and GICs aren’t helping you much these days. And the prospects for government bonds are nothing to get excited about. In order to achieve a more desirable return, you may find yourself reaching for yield, or moving up the risk scale. W...

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Podcast: Second Quarter Review

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Stock markets around the globe declined in the second quarter as investors focused on the ongoing debt saga in Europe. Bonds fared well as the yield on the Government of Canada benchmark 10-year bond dropped by roughly 0.4% and fell below 1.65% in early June to reach a new lo...

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Podcast: Small Talk with Wil Wutherich

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Wil Wutherich, the manager of our Small-Cap Fund, was in town last week on a research trip. We snagged a morning of his time to review the fund and get some further insights on some of the stocks in the portfolio. Download, subscribe via iTunes or RSS, or listen now:

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Podcast: Talking Stocks with Wil Wutherich

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Wil Wutherich, the manager of our Small-Cap Equity Fund, is in town this week on a research trip. We booked an afternoon of his time to discuss the fund. Since we've covered his investment process in previous sessions and his philosophy is well documented on our site, Tom sat...

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Podcast: Third Quarter Review

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds It was an ugly quarter for stocks, with most major markets suffering double-digit declines. The bond market, on the other hand, had its strongest showing in 15 years (government bond yields now stand at levels not seen since the 1940s). Our funds declined, but held up better...

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Podcast: Tom & Christine Discuss the Global Equity Fund

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Christine Montgomery from Edinburgh Partners, the manager of our Global Equity Fund, has been traveling in North America this week meeting with companies (research) and clients (hand-holding). We dragged her out of the San Francisco fog and welcomed her to our sunny (partly)...

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Podcast: Tom Talks with Don Cranston (CGOV)

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Don Cranston, one of the founding partners of CGOV Asset Management (the manager of our Equity Fund) was in town last week enjoying some of our rain. We put Don in front of the microphone and asked him a few of the questions that are at the top of investors’ minds these days...

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Podcast: Tom Talks with Larry Lunn

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Tom recently sat down with Larry Lunn, the Chairman and founder of Connor, Clark & Lunn (CC&L), to talk shop. At the front end of the podcast, Larry discusses where we are in the economic recovery and his view on [the hot topic of] inflation. He then addresses some of the s...

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Podcast: Uneasy About the Market Bounce?

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Stock markets have rebounded 25-35% since the lows reached in March.  Feeling uneasy about the recent bounce?  In this podcast, Tom expands on his recent Globe and Mail column and provides some advice to investors who are unsure what to do at this point. Listen now or subscr...

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Podcast: Visit to Edinburgh

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Tom met with Edinburgh Partners Limited (EPL) on their home turf last week for an annual update on their firm and global equity portfolio. It was also an opportune time to discuss some of the issues currently impacting Europe and get the CEO’s (Sandy Nairn) thoughts on the d...

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Podcast: 2010 in Review

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds 2010 was a good year for both stocks and bonds. Resource-focused and small-cap stocks saw sharp gains, and both the Canadian and U.S. markets turned in double-digit returns. European stocks struggled in comparison, however, due to the well-publicized headwinds in the region (i...

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Podcast: Wrong for the Right Reasons

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds In this podcast, Tom expands on his latest Globe and Mail column, which focuses on the traits that he looks for in a money manager.  More specifically, he highlights two things that he watches for and studies very intently: 1) the temperament of the manager, and 2) their inves...

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Podcast: 5-Year Review

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds It was a good start to the year for Steadyhand. We welcomed close to 200 new clients to the firm in the first quarter, our assets under management grew by 15%, and our transfer pipeline is healthy. Stocks also had a strong showing, with the Canadian market rising 4% and the U...

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Podcast: Active vs. Passive Management

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Many studies on active vs. passive management draw the conclusion that the latter strategy (more commonly known as ‘indexing’) is superior because it generates higher returns. Notwithstanding the ‘sloppiness’ of some of these comparisons, it is true that many active managers...

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Podcast: Behind the Scenes - Quarterly Manager Calls

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Toward the end of every quarter, we get on the phone with each of our fund managers and review their portfolios (our funds). This is a formal process that we go through with CC&L (the manager of our Savings Fund and Income Fund), CGOV (Equity Fund), Edinburgh Partners (Globa...

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Podcast: First Quarter Review

Steadyhand Podcasts - November 11, 2014 01:24
By Scott Ronalds Stock markets pushed forward in the first quarter despite some strong headwinds, including revolutions in North Africa, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and lingering sovereign debt issues in Europe. It goes to prove that the linkage between headlines and market returns i...

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