By Scott Ronalds

Christine Montgomery from Edinburgh Partners, the manager of our Global Equity Fund, has been traveling in North America this week meeting with companies (research) and clients (hand-holding). We dragged her out of the San Francisco fog and welcomed her to our sunny (partly) headquarters yesterday, where we reviewed the portfolio and talked shop.

In the attached podcast, Tom and Christine discuss a number of issues, including:

The recovery in the global equity markets

The on-going shift in the portfolio from defense to offense – health care, telecom and cash positions have been reduced, while exposure to cyclically exposed growth businesses and emerging market stocks has been increased

The fund’s exposure to Asia and the types of companies that represent compelling investments in the region

The attributes that Edinburgh Partners looks for in technology stocks, which have seen their weight in the portfolio double over the past year, from 13% to 26%

An update on the fund’s holdings in the financial sector

Listen now (the file may take a minute or two to download), or subscribe to our podcasts via iTunes or RSS.