By Scott Ronalds

Tom recently sat down with Larry Lunn, the Chairman and founder of Connor, Clark & Lunn (CC&L), to talk shop.

At the front end of the podcast, Larry discusses where we are in the economic recovery and his view on [the hot topic of] inflation. He then addresses some of the strategies that CC&L is pursuing in the Income Fund, and where they are seeing the best value in the bond market.

And we’d be remiss if we didn’t close the podcast by asking the veteran money manager where he sees returns headed over the next 5 or so years, given the extraordinary circumstances we’ve been through over the past 12 months.

If you’ve got 20 minutes to spare, there’s a lot of wisdom to take away. If you’d rather tune in by topic, here’s a breakdown of the conversation:

0 – 2:40.  Introduction.

2:40 – 5:12.  Where we are in the economic recovery.

5:12 – 8:35.  Inflation.

8:35 – 11:35.  Strategies in the Income Fund that have paid off recently.

11:35 – 13:10.  Bank bonds and other areas of opportunity.

13:10 – 14:12.  Corporate bond exposure going forward.

14:12 – 15:15.  The U.S. high yield market.

15:15 – 17:25.  Strategy with respect to income-equities.

17:25 – 19:02.  Medium-term outlook for the markets and the Income Fund.

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