Latest Organic garden Podcast Episodes

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

335 Roof Rat Controls, Asparagus-Lemon Recipes

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - May 17, 2024 10:00 - 35 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
The first chat today involves roof rats (and is an encore presentation while construction is ongoing here at Barking Dog). It will be particularly useful for those of you with large yards, or acreage, or even a small farm, in which you have a large orchard. And for those of you suburban dwellers...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

GB 334 Q&A Rhubarb for Hot Climates? Lights for Seedlings?

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - May 14, 2024 10:00 - 21 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
The first question on the Tuesday Q&A edition of the Garden Basics podcast is about growing rhubarb in hot weather. Fred and his guests, Master Gardeners Kathy Morrison and Ruth Ostroff, discuss their experiences with growing rhubarb in Sacramento. They also share a rhubarb recipe. The second q...

Happy Farmily artwork

The Secrets To Being A Supermom

Happy Farmily - May 14, 2024 09:30 - 29 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
Let’s talk about the myth of the Supermom. You know, that idea of a mother who effortlessly manages to juggle work, family, and home with perfection, never showing a hint of stress or fatigue. But let's be real, can any of us truly answer yes to all those criteria? The truth is, there's no such...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

333 Controlling Snails & Slugs, Feed Your Soil, Grow Your Own Protein

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - May 10, 2024 10:00 - 42 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
We are in the midst of spring construction here, so we are taking the opportunity to not shout over the whine of power saws and the banging hammers. Instead, we will be revisiting some of the most popular segments ever aired on our podcast. In Episode 83, we explained why feeding your soil yie...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

332 Q&A Whiteflies? 1st Tomato? Planting Citrus?

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - May 07, 2024 10:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Farmer Fred and Don Shor from Redwood Barn Nursery answer a garden question from a  listener about whiteflies on grapes. But are they really whiteflies? They discuss how to control whiteflies and leaf hoppers on grapevines, the use of organic sprays, and the importance of correct pest identifica...

Happy Farmily artwork

Dopamine and It's Impact on Your Relationships

Happy Farmily - May 07, 2024 09:30 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
In this episode, we uncover the fascinating world of dopamine and its profound impact on our relationships. We explore the intricate workings of the brain's dopamine circuits—the desire circuit and the control circuit—and how they shape our desires, pursuits, and connections with others. Discov...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

331 Cucumber Starting and Training Tips

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - May 03, 2024 10:00 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Mid to late spring is cucumber planting time in most of North America, and we have more cucumber growing tips for you today. We covered a lot of cucumber growing basics back in episode 266 last May, but today, cucumber cheerleader and America's favorite retired college horticultural professor, D...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

330 Q&A Bermudagrass Control? Black Plastic for the Garden?

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 30, 2024 10:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
In Episode 330, Q&A - Gail from Orangevale, CA wants to start a vegetable and flower garden in her backyard, which is currently covered in Bermuda grass. Debbie Flower,  America’s Favorite Retired College Horticulture professor, and I suggest waiting a year and using soil solarization to kill of...

Happy Farmily artwork

The History and Future of Canning

Happy Farmily - April 30, 2024 09:30 - 25 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
In this week's episode, we’re going old-school and talking about something close to Annette’s heart: the art of canning food! I've developed a passion for this age-old tradition, inspired by memories of my Aunt Marty's West Virginia home, where shelves were adorned with rows of canned goods. Wh...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

329 How to Water

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 26, 2024 10:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
This episode is entitled,  How to Water Your Garden. “What!?!” you’re probably thinking. “Of course I know how to water my garden, lawn, and indoor plants, I’m a gardener!” As Farmer Fred Garden Rule #8 says: “If it works for you, fine. But keep an open mind.”  Join us as America’s Favorite Ret...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

328 Q&A Add Fertilizer to Compost Pile? Can Later Ripening Peach Trees Survive Peach Leaf Curl?

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 23, 2024 10:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
In this episode of the Garden Basics Podcast, Farmer Fred and Master Gardener Susan Muckey discuss composting and answer a listener's question about adding nitrogen to a compost pile. They explain that adding nitrogen is not necessary for most compost piles and discuss the ideal carbon-nitrogen ...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

327 The Heart Healthy Garden

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 19, 2024 10:00 - 57 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
The healthiest food you can eat, is the food you grow yourself.  Where have you heard THAT before? Today,  let’s grow a heart-healthy garden! What are the foods you can plant that are best suited, chemically, to help reverse what might be going on around your ticker, including high cholesterol, ...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

326 Q&A Working with Coir vs Peat Moss, Reuse Old Potting Soil. Runaway Plum Tree!

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 16, 2024 10:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Q&A - Working with Coir, Peat Moss, Perlite, etc. Reusing Old Potting Soil. 00:24 Q&A - Runaway Plum Tree! 16:10 Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and transcripts at the home site for Garden Basics with Farmer Fred, Transcripts and episode chapters als...

Happy Farmily artwork

Are You Breathing Correctly?

Happy Farmily - April 16, 2024 09:30 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
So, a while back, I picked up this book called "Breath" by James Nestor, and let me tell you, it totally took my breath away😏 . Picture this: I'm on a plane next to Annette, trying out these breathing techniques from the book, and I must've looked like a complete lunatic! But you know what? I fe...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

325 Peach Leaf Curl Control Tips. All the Presidents' Gardens.

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 12, 2024 10:00 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Appearing now (or soon) on a peach or nectarine tree near you: Peach Leaf Curl? What is this fungus that causes the leaves on these trees to redden, pucker, and curl? And how can you control it? (Please note, I did not say, “eradicate”). America’s favorite retired college horticultural professor...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

GB 324 Q&A - Nitrogen Sources. Soil for a Raised Bed.

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 09, 2024 10:00 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and transcripts at the home site for Garden Basics with Farmer Fred, Transcripts and episode chapters also available at Buzzsprout. Pictured:  Pizza Pie Crop Rotation Garden Links:  Subscribe to the free, Beyond the G...

Happy Farmily artwork

Embracing Friendship Beyond "I Do"

Happy Farmily - April 09, 2024 09:30 - 27 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
As a married couple, we have always believed in maintaining our independence, nurturing our own interests, and, yes, having our own circle of friends. Don't get us wrong, our marriage is our priority, but we've seen firsthand how friendships outside of it can add so much richness to our lives. ...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

323 Gold Medal Plant Winners. Thin Your Fruit Trees Now!

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 05, 2024 10:00 - 39 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Each year the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society puts out its list of Gold Medal winning Plants. Usually these plants are chosen for their adaptability to the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. This year, the chosen plants have a much wider range of possible success, including USDA Zone 9...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

322 Q&A Transplant a Fruit Tree? How to Remove a Stuck Plant From a Nice Pot

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - April 02, 2024 10:00 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Q&A Transplanting Old, Large, Fruit Trees? (segment begins at 00:25) Q&A Why Are My Radishes Only Producing Leaves? (7:10) Q&A Remove an Overgrown Plant from a Nice Pot Without Breaking It? (12:19) Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and transcripts at the home site for G...

Happy Farmily artwork

Why Everyone Should Garden!

Happy Farmily - April 02, 2024 09:30 - 31 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
It's no secret that we love gardening. It's our thing. And we're so passionate about it that we want it to become everyone's thing, too.   Because let us tell you, friend, once you get dirt under those nails and bite into a juicy, flavorsome homegrown tomato, there is no going back! In our la...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

321 Spring Rose Care Basics - Diseases and Insects

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 29, 2024 10:00 - 45 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
From now through Mother’s Day, roses will start putting on their first and best show across the country. What do your rose bushes need to get off to a good start in early Spring? Master Rosarian Charlotte Owendyk of the Sierra Foothills Rose Society talks about getting ahead of early spring rose...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

320 Q&A Citrus, Cats, Tomatoes

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 26, 2024 10:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Questions from listeners include: Why Your Citrus Tree Leaves May Be Yellowing (at 00:24 of podcast) Cat-Proofing Your Raised Bed Garden (13:03) Good Tomato Seed Sources (17:44) Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and transcripts at the home site for Garden Basics with Fa...

Happy Farmily artwork

How to Sleep with Your Partner

Happy Farmily - March 26, 2024 09:30 - 36 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
As parents, one of the unexpected challenges (but also a blessing!) we face is the constant battle for bed space with our little girl, Ava. And let's not forget about Oscar, our cat, who always manages to find his way into the mix. Naturally, it affects one’s sleep… And sleep is more than just ...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

319 How to Plant and Care for a Shade Tree

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 22, 2024 10:00 - 51 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Today, we cover the basics of correctly planting and caring for a shade tree. We chat with consulting arborist Gordon Mann, who reminds us, when it comes to choosing a spot to plant a shade tree, it’s all about the soil. Plus, he explains the importance of correct planting techniques, especially...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

318 Q&A Rosemary Propagation, Best Peach for Baking, Cover Crops, Blueberry Containers

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 19, 2024 10:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
Q&A Rosemary Propagation? (at  00:24 of podcast) Q&A Best Peach for Cooking/Baking? (08:10) Q&A Cover Crop crimping?  (12:14) Q&A Blueberry containers? (19:05) Want To Leave Us a Question? (21:22) Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and transcripts at the home site for Ga...

Happy Farmily artwork

Finding Fulfillment In Your Work

Happy Farmily - March 19, 2024 09:30 - 33 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
In a world where we invest a significant portion of our lives at work, finding fulfillment in our careers is essential for overall happiness and well-being. But it can be a tough one to achieve… Let’s be honest: work is always going to be work. Wouldn’t we all love to be able to work only for t...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

317 The 2024 Tomato Preview Show!

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 15, 2024 10:00 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
It’s time for the annual Garden Basics Tomato preview show! Once again, you’re invited to easedrop on a conversation between two real tomatoheads, myself and Don Shor, proprietor of Redwood Barn Nursery in Davis, California. We recap our tomato successes and failures of 2023, and talk about wha...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

316 Master Gardener Secrets - Peach Pruning to Growing Tomatillos

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 13, 2024 21:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
It's Q&A Tuesday!  1. What are the benefits of summer pruning of fruit trees, especially peaches? (at 00:25 of podcast)  2. Where can I find more information about caring for perennials? (02:48)  3. How do I care for a young apple tree? Should I remove any flowers or small fruit? (06:58)  4. Are...

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred artwork

Master Gardening Secrets: From Pruning Peach Trees to Growing Tomatillos

Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - March 12, 2024 10:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 167 ratings
It's Q&A Tuesday! 1. What are the benefits of summer pruning of fruit trees, especially peaches? (at 00:25 of podcast) 2. Where can I find more information about caring for perennials? (02:48) 3. How do I care for a young apple tree? Should I remove any flowers or small fruit? (06:58) 4. Are dwa...

Happy Farmily artwork

Money - When To Save And When To Splurge

Happy Farmily - March 12, 2024 09:30 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 127 ratings
When or where should you save or splurge? What do you value enough to spend your hard-earned cash on? This is one tiff or debate that often surfaces in the Thurmon household. And we know we are not the only couple with differing opinions regarding what to spend money on! For me (Jared), I hate...

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