From now through Mother’s Day, roses will start putting on their first and best show across the country. What do your rose bushes need to get off to a good start in early Spring? Master Rosarian Charlotte Owendyk of the Sierra Foothills Rose Society talks about getting ahead of early spring rose pest and disease problems, before they can do too much damage to those brilliant first blooms. She also discusses the best fertilizers and irrigation systems to use to help thwart pest and disease issues, as well, for your rose bushes in the coming months.

It’s all in Episode 321 of today’s Garden Basics with Farmer Fred - Spring Rose Care Basics

We’re podcasting from Barking Dog Studios here in the beautiful Abutilon Jungle in Suburban Purgatory, it’s the Garden Basics with Farmer Fred podcast, brought to you today by Smart Pots and Dave Wilson Nursery. Let’s go!

Pictured:  Rose Mosaic Virus Disease (Photo: Gail in Napa)

Subscribe to the free, Beyond the Garden Basics Newsletter
Smart Pots
Dave Wilson Nursery

Sierra Foothills Rose Society
Sacramento Rose Society
Rose Mosaic Virus (UCANR)
Rose Diseases and Abiotic Disorders (UCANR)
Roses: Insects and Mites (UCANR)
Farmer Fred Rant Blog: Plants That Attract Beneficial Insects
USDA Guide to Japanese Beetles
Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) for Japanese Beetle grubs
Milky Spore for Japanese Beetle grubs

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All About Farmer Fred:
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The Garden Basics with Farmer Fred Newsletter, Beyond the Basics

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Facebook:  "Get Growing with Farmer Fred" 

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