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Public Lectures artwork

Matchpoint Innsbruck

Public Lectures - January 25, 2012 15:16 - 1 hour - Video
Bart Lootsma about the Innsbruck based research project "Matchpoint Innsbruck"

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #2 / Wiesflecker - Lootsma

RCT // red corner talks - December 16, 2011 11:00 - 33 minutes - Video

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #2 / Brandlhuber - Lootsma

RCT // red corner talks - November 09, 2011 11:00 - 22 minutes - Video

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #2 / Baldauf - Konrad

RCT // red corner talks - November 08, 2011 11:00 - 27 minutes - Video

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #2 / LAAC - Lootsma

RCT // red corner talks - August 22, 2011 10:00 - 34 minutes - Video

Public Lectures artwork

Sophie Hochhaeusl: Otto Neurath - Mapping the City as Social Fact?

Public Lectures - December 15, 2010 11:00 - 1 hour - Video
Abstract. Architects are commonly trained to craft two types of maps: representational ones, and those that serve as heuristic devices for design thinking. The latter make obvious by means of drawing aspects of space that could not have been preconceived. The Austrian philosopher and economist...

Public Lectures artwork

Stephan Guenzel - Was ist Raumproduktion? Und was machen wir mit dem 'spatial turn'?

Public Lectures - December 02, 2010 11:00 - 1 hour - Video
Als Autor und Herausgeber mehrerer, für die wissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit dem Thema Raum einschlägiger Publikationen ist Stephan Günzel Experte für die derzeitige Forschungslage der Raumtheorie. Seit über zehn Jahren beschäftigt er sich intensiv mit dem Thema Raum und dem sog. „spatial tur...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Jovanovic Weiss - Rumpfhuber

RCT // red corner talks - June 30, 2010 10:00 - 23 minutes - Video
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss born in1967, (Subotica) is an architect educated at Harvard University and Belgrade University. He recently collaborated with Herzog & de Meuron architects and is the founder of Normal Architecture Office as well as co-founder of School of Missing Studies, network for cult...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Jovanovic Weiss - Rumpfhuber

RCT // red corner talks - June 30, 2010 10:00 - 23 minutes - Video
Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss born in1967, (Subotica) is an architect educated at Harvard University and Belgrade University. He recently collaborated with Herzog & de Meuron architects and is the founder of Normal Architecture Office as well as co-founder of School of Missing Studies, network for cult...

Public Lectures artwork

Gion A. Caminada (Architektur mit den Winden)

Public Lectures - May 19, 2010 10:00 - 1 hour - Video
GION A. CAMINADA (CUL ZUFFEL E L’AURA DADO – ARCHITEKTUR MIT DEN WINDEN) Architekt Gion Caminada hat im Kanton Graubünden ein Werk geschaffen, das wie kein anderes in wechselseitiger Beziehung mit den sozialen und ökonomischen Prämissen des Ortes Vrin in der Val Lumnezia sowie den traditionelle...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Czech - Pogacnik

RCT // red corner talks - May 18, 2010 10:00 - 21 minutes - Video
Hermann Czech stu­dierte Architektur an der Tech­ni­schen Hoch­schule und in der Meis­ter­schule von Ernst Plischke an der Akademie der bil­den­den Künste in Wien. 1958 und 1959 war er Se­min­ar­teil­neh­mer bei Konrad Wachsmann an der Som­mer­aka­de­mie in Salz­burg. An der Akademie für an­ge­...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Czech - Pogacnik

RCT // red corner talks - May 18, 2010 10:00 - 21 minutes - Video
Hermann Czech stu­dierte Architektur an der Tech­ni­schen Hoch­schule und in der Meis­ter­schule von Ernst Plischke an der Akademie der bil­den­den Künste in Wien. 1958 und 1959 war er Se­min­ar­teil­neh­mer bei Konrad Wachsmann an der Som­mer­aka­de­mie in Salz­burg. An der Akademie für an­ge­...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Lerup - Lootsma

RCT // red corner talks - May 08, 2010 10:01 - 41 minutes - Video
Professor Lars Lerup, Dean at the Rice School of Architecture, Rice University in Houston, Texas, writes on architecture, design, art and urbanism. Using predominantly field observation, Lerup relies on many disciplines for his continuously evolving point of view: sociology, philosophy, politica...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Lerup - Lootsma

RCT // red corner talks - May 08, 2010 10:01 - 41 minutes - Video
Professor Lars Lerup, Dean at the Rice School of Architecture, Rice University in Houston, Texas, writes on architecture, design, art and urbanism. Using predominantly field observation, Lerup relies on many disciplines for his continuously evolving point of view: sociology, philosophy, politica...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Weizman - Planer

RCT // red corner talks - May 08, 2010 10:00 - 24 minutes - Video
Eyal Weizman is an Architect based in London. He studied architecture at the Architectural Association in London and completed his PhD at the London Consortium, Birkbeck College. He is the director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths College. Since 2007 he ...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Weizman - Planer

RCT // red corner talks - May 08, 2010 10:00 - 24 minutes - Video
Eyal Weizman is an Architect based in London. He studied architecture at the Architectural Association in London and completed his PhD at the London Consortium, Birkbeck College. He is the director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths College. Since 2007 he ...

Public Lectures artwork

Decolonizing Architecture

Public Lectures - May 07, 2010 10:00 - 59 minutes - Video
Vortrag im Rahmen der Ausstellungseröffnung Der Architekt Eyal Weizman macht Architekten und ihre Planungen für die „civilian occupation“ in den von Israel besetzen Gebieten in Palästina mitverantwortlich. In seinen Publikationen und der Ausstellung „Territories“ zeigte er, wie jüdische Siedlu...

Public Lectures artwork

How Blue The Sky Was ...

Public Lectures - May 06, 2010 10:00 - 57 minutes - Video
Einführende worte Bart Lootsma (Lehrstuhl für Architekturtheorie der Universität Innsbruck), Matthias Böttger (raumtaktik) (Vortrag in englischer Sprache) Seit Lars Lerup 1993 als Dean an die Rice School of Architecture in Houston/Texas berufen wurde, setzt er sich intensiv mit der amerikanis...

Public Lectures artwork

Abstraktion, Demokratie Und Populismus

Public Lectures - May 05, 2010 10:00 - 26 minutes - Video
Vortrag von Bart Lootsma über Abstraktion, Demokratie und Populismus

Public Lectures artwork

Urban Driftwood and Black Holes

Public Lectures - April 30, 2010 10:00 - 12 minutes - Video
A lecture by Bart Lootsma at the Future of Urbanism conference, which took place the University of Michigan's Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning in Ann Arbor on March 19 and 20, 2010. The complete lectures of the conference, with speakers like ao. Christina Boyer, Benjamin Bratto...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Rahm - Böttger

RCT // red corner talks - April 14, 2010 10:00 - 52 minutes - Video
Philippe Rahm, born in 1967 studied at the Federal Polytechnic Schools of Lausanne and Zurich. He obtained his architectural degree in 1993. He works currently in Paris (France) and Lausanne (Switzerland). In 2002, he was chosen to represent Switzerland at the 8th Architecture Biennale in Venice...

Public Lectures artwork

Architecture between Physiology and Meteorology

Public Lectures - April 14, 2010 10:00 - 1 hour - Video
Vortrag im Rahmen der Ausstellungseröffnung Der Architekt Eyal Weizman macht Architekten und ihre Planungen für die „civilian occupation“ in den von Israel besetzen Gebieten in Palästina mitverantwortlich. In seinen Publikationen und der Ausstellung „Territories“ zeigte er, wie jüdische Siedlu...

RCT // red corner talks artwork

RCT / red corner talks #1 / Rahm - Böttger

RCT // red corner talks - April 14, 2010 10:00 - 52 minutes - Video
Philippe Rahm, born in 1967 studied at the Federal Polytechnic Schools of Lausanne and Zurich. He obtained his architectural degree in 1993. He works currently in Paris (France) and Lausanne (Switzerland). In 2002, he was chosen to represent Switzerland at the 8th Architecture Biennale in Venice...

Public Lectures artwork

Flüchtlingslager – Idealstädte in Staub und Schmutz

Public Lectures - February 18, 2010 11:00 - 52 minutes - Video
Flüchtlingslager sind die direkteste Umsetzung von Politik in Raum. Wer trägt die Verantwortung? Vortrag über die Architektur von Flüchtlingslagern als Beispiel einer auf europäischen Normen basierenden, fortgesetzten, verstetigten, kolonialen Praxis.

Public Lectures artwork

Das Ornament im digitalen Zeitalter

Public Lectures - November 20, 2008 11:00 - 1 hour - Video
Das Ornament im Digitalen Zeitalter Vortrag "Kampfplatz der Theorie: Das Ornament im digitalen Zeitalter" von Jörg Gleiter am 20. November 2008 im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe des Lehrstuhls für Architekturtheorie. Jörg Gleiter (Dr.-Ing. habil.) ist Professor für Ästhetik an der Freien Universitä...

Public Lectures artwork

Unsichtbare Architektur

Public Lectures - November 12, 2008 11:00 - 1 hour - Video
Joachim Krausse: Unsichtbare Architektur Vortrag "Unsichtbare Architektur. Die Structural Study Associates, New York, und die Transformation von Architektur in Informationsarchitektur" von Joachim Krausse am 12. November 2008 im Rahmen des Entwurfsseminars OUT OF THE WILD des Lehrstuhls für Arc...

Public Lectures artwork

Exile on Main Street

Public Lectures - October 24, 2008 10:00 - 58 minutes - Video
Sebastien Marot: A geniues Landscape Fiction based on true stories sebastien marot (Philosoph, Gastprofessor für Landschaftsarchitektur an der ETH Zürich) Sebastien Marot studierte Philosophie an der Sorbonne in Paris, lehrte an mehreren amerikanischen, Schweizer und französischen Universitäte...

Public Lectures artwork

Otto Neurath - The Language of the Global Polis

Public Lectures - May 20, 2008 10:00 - 50 minutes - Video
Otto Neurath - The Language Of The Global Polis Nader Vossoughian ist Assistant Professor für Architektur am New York Institute of Technology, Autor, Theoretiker und Kurator. Er promovierte bei Kenneth Frampton an der Columbia University mit einer Dissertation über Otto Neurath. Erst kürzlich e...

Public Lectures artwork

Space Collective

Public Lectures - May 31, 2007 10:00 - 2 hours - Video
Rene Daalder is a Dutch writer and director. He lives in Los Angeles. Before becoming a protege of Russ Meyer, Rene Daalder has worked with Jan de Bont, Frans Bromet, and Rem Koolhaas. He is regarded as a pioneer of Virtual Reality and digital motion picture technologies. His movies include tee...