Latest Lawyerwellness Podcast Episodes

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo artwork

253: Solving the Right Problems in Your Law Practice

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - March 30, 2023 07:30 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Diagnosing and solving the right problems in your law practice is the difference between feeling overwhelmed and calm. It's the difference between feeling like you're drowning and enjoying your practice. But our brains don't automatically see the true problem and instead diagnose superficial...

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252: Identity Breakthroughs

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - March 23, 2023 07:30 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
What do you think about yourself? How you think about yourself is crucial because your thoughts about yourself forms your identity. Identity informs whether we you or can't create the outcomes you want in your life. Think you're bad with time? You will be. Think you make bad money decisi...

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251: How Do I Know I'm Making the Right Decision?

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - March 16, 2023 07:30 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
One question lawyers ask me is, "How do I know I'm making the right decision?" Seems like an important question, right? Our decisions determine the quality of our life. Each decision creates an outcome that either moves us forward or doesn't. But this question ignores what we really need...

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250: Thinking vs. Worrying

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - March 09, 2023 08:30 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Are you thinking or worrying? How do you know and how do you get into strategic thinking, so you can problem-solve better? I answer these questions and more on today's episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast.   RESOURCES Busy Lawyer's Ultimate Time Management Guide Show notes CONNECT ...

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249: Your Next Move

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - March 02, 2023 08:30 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Wondering what your next move is going to be? Stay where you are? Go out on your own? Grow your practice? I’ve designed this episode to give you a structure to decide your next move. You can decide your next move in lots of different ways, but what I see is a lot of lawyers who don’t clear...

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248: Better Trials, Time Management, and Firm Culture with Shannon Clark

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - February 23, 2023 08:30 - 58 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
How can you be a better trial lawyer? Meet Shannon Clark. She's a patent litigation attorney who changed how she thought about trials, time management, and how she managed herself to uplevel the way she approached litigation. In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, we cover a range ...

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247: Belief Before Action

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - February 16, 2023 08:30 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
This episode is for the dreamers. Lawyers who dream about about something new, something different, something BIG. Maybe it's changing the way you run your law practice. Maybe it's creating time to travel. Maybe it is the ability to create something completely new for you like writing a book o...

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246: Why We Procrastinate

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - February 09, 2023 08:30 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
  Why we procrastinate isn't as simple as you may think. Most lawyers think they procrastinate for three reasons: 1. They're lazy 2. They don't have enough willpower 3. There's something wrong with them If this is you, I have good news for you: none of these are true! In this episo...

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245: "How to Stop Feeling Layoff Anxiety" and Your Other Questions Answered

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - February 02, 2023 08:30 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Get the answers to your questions in this episode. I'm answering: "How to stop feeling anxiety about layoffs?" "Why am I lazy?" (And how to get take action.) "How do I make time to market my law practice?" (Or anything else for that matter.) Listen in to get strategies to help you in e...

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244: Friday Wrap-Up Ritual

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - January 26, 2023 08:30 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
If you don't have a Friday Wrap-Up Ritual for your law practice, you're missing out on the low hanging fruit that will move your practice forward and make your life easier. Whether you own your own practice or work for a firm, listen to this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast. Oh, and y...

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243: The Time-Money Mindset Link

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - January 19, 2023 08:30 - 24 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
What I see time and again with lawyers is that their thoughts about time determine how much money they’re capable of making. They top out unless they change how they think about time. In this episode, you’ll learn the Time Mindset Blocks negatively impacting how much money you make, and learn ...

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242: Making Life Easier with Big Law Attorney Kimberly Lopez

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - January 12, 2023 08:30 - 48 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Kimberly Lopez has been an attorney in Big Law for 15 years. During that time she's amassed wisdom that she's sharing with you in this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast. You'll learn: productivity and time management tips for lawyers how she's changed since coaching with me how to d...

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241: How to Hit Your Goals in 2023

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - January 05, 2023 08:30 - 1 hour ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
In today's episode, I walk you through the mindset it takes to hit your goals in 2023. Grab your pen and notepad because this is the mindset training you need to make your goals reality. You'll learn how to: integrate the lessons from 2022 even if you think successes were just plain luck ...

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240: Calming Anxiety

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - December 29, 2022 08:30 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Calming anxiety is easier than you might think. A few things you need to know: 1. Anxiety is normal. There's nothing wrong with you. We simply weren't given coping skills for it. 2. Anxiety is nothing to be afraid of. When we attempt to push through or avoid it, we can actually make it...

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239: Taking Care of Yourself

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - December 22, 2022 08:30 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Are you feeling "blah?" It's probably because you're not taking care of yourself. In this episode of Be a Better Lawyer Podcast, you'll learn what to look out for, so you don't stay "blah" questions to ask yourself to have more fun nspiration for your next move (to get you out of "blah"...

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238: Billables Mindset

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - December 15, 2022 08:30 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
You may be thinking billable targets are impossibly hard to make or that you don't have enough time to hit your targets. Making more billables doesn't have to do with how much time you have. It actually comes down to your billables mindset. Your billables mindset is how you think about billa...

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237: Purposeful Thought Work for Ambitious Lawyers

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - December 08, 2022 08:30 - 28 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Ever sit at your desk thinking about what ifs? What if you started your own practice? What if you expanded your practice? What if you made partner? What if you started that blogging or podcast idea that’s been rolling around in the back of your mind? This episode is for the dreamers. ...

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236: Talking to Loved Ones About Your Dream

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - December 01, 2022 08:30 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Talking to your spouse or other loved ones can feel vulnerable. We want them to tell us that our idea is amazing and that we can do anything we put our mind to. What happens when they don't? We can shut down and stop pursuing our dreams altogether. In this episode, you'll learn: how to ...

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235: Four Lawyers Talking Turkey

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - November 24, 2022 08:30 - 48 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
I'm sharing a fun conversation I had with Suzi Hixon. She interviewed me and two other lovely lawyers for her podcast Legally Blissed Conversations, and we talked about how high-achieving female attorneys push ourselves and tell ourselves we need to work harder. This conversation is important ...

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234: Focus Errors

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - November 17, 2022 08:30 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
A couple years ago a client gave me a testimonial that said, “Dina helps me focus on what I CAN do instead of focusing on what I CAN’T.” This was such a perfect way to describe coaching and overcoming Focus Errors. When lawyers come to me, they have Focus Errors. Over the years they’ve creat...

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233: 5 Thoughts Sabotaging Your Practice

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - November 10, 2022 08:30 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Every thought we have either moves us closer to or further away from our the goals we have for our law practice. In this episode, I'm sharing 5 (okay, really 7) thoughts that sabotage the way lawyers: approach their work show up for clients bill their work, and prioritize their time Th...

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232: When the Dream Becomes a Trap

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - November 03, 2022 07:30 - 10 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Imagine this: You’re living the dream you used to have. You own your own firm. You’ve made partner. Or you became a lawyer like you’d planned, and you feel trapped. It feels really big and impossible to get out of. People rely on you. You’ve invested a lot of time, money and tears in your...

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What "Slowing Down" Really Means

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 27, 2022 07:30 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
The other day I was talking to a lawyer about what it meant to slow down her brain. Thinking of slowing down felt scary to her. She was working so hard and not seeing the progress she wanted. She thought slowing down would mean she'd fall behind. Here's what slowing down really means: Im...

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231: What "Slowing Down" Really Means

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 27, 2022 07:30 - 34 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
The other day I was talking to a lawyer about what it meant to slow down her brain. Thinking of slowing down felt scary to her. She was working so hard and not seeing the progress she wanted. She thought slowing down would mean she'd fall behind. Here's what slowing down really means: Im...

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230: 9 Power Moves for Your Law Practice and life

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 20, 2022 07:30 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
I'm sharing 9 power moves to improve your law practice and life in this episode of Be a Better Lawyer. Over this past year, I've paid attention to my clients' wins and my own wins. You'll get the benefit of hearing the 9 most impactful strategies and decisions we made to improve our practice...

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230: 9 Power Moves for Your Law Practice and Life

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 20, 2022 07:30 - 32 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
I'm sharing 9 power moves to improve your law practice and life in this episode of Be a Better Lawyer. Over this past year, I've paid attention to my clients' wins and my own wins. You'll get the benefit of hearing the 9 most impactful strategies and decisions we made to improve our practice...

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BONUS: Working Less, Making More, and Loving Life with Nancy Cogar

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 16, 2022 17:03 - 46 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Meet Nancy Cogar: an elder and estate planning attorney as well as my client. In this special episode we talk: learning to build her own practice w/o the overwhelm the turning point in her practice when she started making more money what's even more important to her than making money ou...

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229: Going After Goals with Gary Miles

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 13, 2022 07:30 - 37 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Meet Gary Miles. He’s a family lawyer and a coach. On this episode, we talk: Gary's multiple lives as a lawyer the consequence of not going after our dreams, and how to go after what you want Listen in to get inspired to take action on your own life.     RESOURCES Busy Lawyer's...

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228: Nervous System Dysregulation

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - October 06, 2022 07:30 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
One of the most important things I work on with my clients is nervous system regulation. It helps them feel better no matter what’s happening in their life or how anxious or overwhelmed they feel at work or at home. It also helps them go after big goals with more ease when their sympathetic ...

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227: Confidence & Making Time with Judith Gaton

Be a Better Lawyer with Dina Cataldo - September 29, 2022 07:30 - 47 minutes ★★★★★ - 30 ratings
Today I want to introduce you to my new friend, Judith Gaton. She's smart, she's sassy, and she has a fashion sense. Judith also happens to be a former managing partner turned style coach. In our conversation, we talk exactly how she shifted from litigator to coach while practicing full time...

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