Latest Everblight Podcast Episodes

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 225 – Themes Everywhere!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - July 22, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
You know, you’d think after doing this over 200 times, I would have it down pat. But sometimes you misplace an intro you’ve used for the last two years, sometimes you forget about nice Bokur Brawls for a few weeks… … Continue reading →

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 224 – New Steamroller!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - July 01, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
New Steamroller package with mostly new scenarios! Woo! Some of them look great, some of them look significantly less-great, but at least they mostly look different! Give it a listen, let us know which scenarios you are most or least … Continue reading →

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 223 – Pirates Be Updated, Yarr!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - June 24, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Okay, not my best title. But hey, at least it’s something, right? Hope everyone enjoys! Had a lot of fun recording this episode, and Nick seems pretty excited about the changes. Direct Download

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 222 – State of the Game, 2019

Podcasts – Combo Smite - May 20, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Once again we sat around the mics with the luminaries of the podcasting world (at least the ones able to make it to the Southern Ontario Open!) and discussed the state of WarMachine. This year the talk was moderated by … Continue reading →

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 221 – Post-SOO Stuff!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - May 13, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Well! Another Southern Ontario Open has come and gone, and just like last year, I was barely able to attend… but thankfully the rest of the Combo Smite crew were able to be there for the majority of the event … Continue reading →

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 220 – Morrowans! Infernals! Stuff!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - April 29, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Lots of news and announcements this week, although not a tonne of deep content… hopes, yes. Dreams? We got those. But actual factual playtesting? Nah, none of those this week. Maybe next! Direct Download

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 219 – Adepticon!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - April 08, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
This week’s episode we focus on how things went at Adepticon! (Spoilers: We had fun! Lots of fun!) How did we do competitively… SO MUCH FUN was had! My, all that fun certainly wouldn’t be a distraction to avoid talking … Continue reading →

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 218 – Infernals and “Gotcha” Players

Podcasts – Combo Smite - March 18, 2019 13:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
I suppose the title of this podcast could’ve been “Infernal Gotcha Players”, but that’s not quite what we talk about. Basically, Darrell, Kassem, Nick, and I spend thirty minutes discussing the current THEORY of the Infernals (but not their rules, … Continue reading →

Podcasts – Combo Smite artwork

Podcast 217 – OTC Tournament Wrap-Up!

Podcasts – Combo Smite - March 04, 2019 14:00 ★★★★★ - 7 ratings
Sorry for missing the last couple weeks, folks. Life has been pretty hectic around here, but we are again moving towards predictability and normalcy, so hopefully things will get back to our weekly (or NEARLY weekly!) schedule! Who knows, we’re … Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

IronCast Episode 04 – Hordes ADR Discussion

Ironcast - December 16, 2015 18:49
Download: Episode 4-IronCast   Hello Everyone! This week we have Jense joining us for Hordes ADR. Tony is absent because of his disdain for all things beastly except his own reflection. Each of us… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

IronCast Episode 03 – Warmachine ADR

Ironcast - December 09, 2015 18:52
Download: Episode 3-IronCast Final Hello All! We sadly miss Jense this week, but after a brief and slightly more in depth intro about ourselves and our experiences in the game we dive into the… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

IronCast Episode 01 – Devastation Review

Ironcast - October 11, 2015 06:57
Direct Download – Episode 1-IronCast Hello all! We have a full cast where we review the new Hordes: Devastation book. We skip over any previously released models to focus in on brand new additions… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

Ironcast – Episode 00

Ironcast - September 28, 2015 02:56
Direct Download – Episode 00 Welcome all! This is our first show as the newly formed IrconCast Podcast. We have myself, Trent, Jense, and Steve in our previewsode where we discuss new rumors about… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Beginnings? Episode 1

Ironcast - September 05, 2015 05:14
Download – New Meta Podcast ep 29 So after much time away this will be our first step in a joint effort to expand our podcast and blog into a wider scope. This… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Episode 25- U Mad Dog?

Ironcast - June 11, 2015 05:37
Download: Tourney Recap 00:8:50 Reckoning Discussion 00:48:00 Hello everyone! This is our longest episode yet, but to be fair if you don’t care about listening to game recaps then it is about the… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Episode 24: Emotional Tiers.

Ironcast - May 28, 2015 06:18
Download:New Meta Podcast ep 24 In this episode I, Trent, Tony, and RICK FREEMAN! talk about a recent trip to Twin Falls to play a tourney with the Tough Check crew. We also… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Podcast ep 23: Adepticon Recap

Ironcast - April 05, 2015 08:05
Download- Episode 23 Howdy Hey everyone! We are back from Adepticon and a little late after our original recording was attacked by grymkin. Luckily we rerecorded and give a recap of our con… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Episode 22- Road to Adepticon and Tourney Recap

Ironcast - March 05, 2015 05:42
Greetings All! This episode Trent, Tony, and I recap the tournament this weekend that had an outstanding 20 players! We discuss our lists and mathups and then go into a discussion about what… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Episode 21- Orboros Most Wanted

Ironcast - December 17, 2014 04:39
Download-> Episode 21 Rainbow in the Dark 55:20 Bloopers 1:04:18 Trent and I return after our exclusive tour of Europe, Scandinavia, and the Sub-Continent! In reality though we have both just been hit… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Ep 20 – A Moment of Your Time for Menoth

Ironcast - October 13, 2014 03:10
New Meta Podcast ep 20 This episode we dig our heels in and discuss the Protectorate of Menoth as a faction. We review about what makes them work not only from an opponents… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Podcast Episode 19- IMC Wrapup!

Ironcast - September 21, 2014 03:01
Look at this smug jerk! download-> Episode 19 We are back guys and gals from a long break of busy work seasons, school starting, and most important epic trips out of town for… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Episode 18 – Beaten and Skorned!

Ironcast - August 09, 2014 03:50
download-> new meta podcast ep 18(actual) Join Trent and I with special guest Rick as we take a look at the eastern empire of Caen! The first part we dive into our continuing… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Podcast ep 17- Trollbloods in the Dungeon!

Ironcast - July 23, 2014 22:04
download-> Episode 17 Trent and I continue our faction analysis with a look into the Gnarls and the Trollblood faction. We breakdown what new and old players can expect when facing the tough… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork


Ironcast - July 03, 2014 15:48
New Meta Podcast ep 29 New Meta Podcast ep 25 New Meta Podcast ep 24 New Meta Podcast ep 23 New Meta Podcast ep 22 New Meta Podcast ep 21 New Meta Podcast… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Podcast Ep 16 – Roasted Swan

Ironcast - July 02, 2014 22:23
Trent and I take a look at the wonderful world of Cygnar and what makes them tick. In the next few episodes we will be digesting each faction one by one and discussing… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Podcast Episode 15- LNL Previewsode

Ironcast - June 11, 2014 23:08
Download–> New Meta Podcast ep 15 Trent and I return after a month hiatus to discuss Trent’s journey to Lock and Load and my lamentation. We also take on the mighty meat mountain… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Episode 14- Tourney Recap

Ironcast - April 24, 2014 19:45
Trent and I are back with special guest Tony from our tournament with the Chain-Attack crew in Idaho Falls at Gameopolis! The first part of the episode we do a recap of our… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Ep 13 – Repair check on Khador

Ironcast - April 09, 2014 17:56
download: Episode 13 In this episode we start things off by reviewing the new Vengeance Warjacks. Then we travel deep into Khardic territory and see what’s going on in the Khador forums and… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

Episode 12- Infantrymachine?

Ironcast - March 13, 2014 00:40
Trent and I bring you a brand new episode on our brand new mic! We tackle a local battle report between Cryx- Warwitch Denehgra and Skorne-Zaal. Next we take a look at the… Continue reading →

Ironcast artwork

New Meta Ep 11 – Ode to Calamity

Ironcast - February 13, 2014 18:50
First off we want to apologize about the long delay with this episode. Being busy as well as a slew of technical issues kept us from posting this much earlier. We will make… Continue reading →

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