Previous Episode: New Battle Reports

Download- Episode 23 Howdy Hey everyone! We are back from Adepticon and a little late after our original recording was attacked by grymkin. Luckily we rerecorded and give a recap of our con… Continue reading →

Download- Episode 23

Howdy Hey everyone! We are back from Adepticon and a little late after our original recording was attacked by grymkin. Luckily we rerecorded and give a recap of our con experience! Join Trent, Tony, and I as we discuss our games of Warmahordes and our likes and dislikes of all aspects of the con. Also listen to our very own Trenton as he recaps how he placed 4th in Masters with Khador!


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Twitter- Trent @KovnikTrenton Tanner-@NewMetaTanner Tony-@DrunkenBasco