Look at this smug jerk! download-> Episode 19 We are back guys and gals from a long break of busy work seasons, school starting, and most important epic trips out of town for… Continue reading →

Look at this smug jerk!


download-> Episode 19

We are back guys and gals from a long break of busy work seasons, school starting, and most important epic trips out of town for Warmachine tournaments. Trent and I comeback from two out of town events; first from an IMC Prep Tournament in Idaho Falls with the Chain-Attack group and then to the big event the Intermountain Cup. In an amazing show of Khadoran generalship Trent took home first place out of 59 players in Ogden, Utah. This episode we give a breakdown of our experiences and games over a long 6 round tournament. Games from both the prep tourney as well as games from IMC including both of us can be viewed at- http://www.twitch.tv/chainattacktrev/profile

Thanks for listening,


Special Shout out to the Chain-Attack crew Jay Larsen, Trevor Christensen, and Scott Wray!

visit their much more impressive website at http://www.chain-attack.com/