Latest Dietsdontwork Podcast Episodes

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Focus on Making Better Health, Not Weight Loss, Your Goal

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - January 05, 2021 07:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Happy New Year! It’s that time of year when many people have made New Year’s resolutions to lose weight. It won’t come as a surprise to you that most of them won’t succeed, and will quickly abandon their resolutions. Maybe that even sounds familiar.  While it’s a great idea to set health goa...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Special Announcement--Free 7-Day Challenge-Starts Jan 4th

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - December 30, 2020 17:13 - 1 minute ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Are you ready to make 2021 the year you ditch dieting for good and become that person who can eat whatever you love without overeating while dropping down to your comfortable weight? The first step is to free yourself from our sick diet culture and reboot your food and eating mindset. Join my Fr...

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4 Steps to Stop Rewarding Yourself with Food

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - December 22, 2020 07:00 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
After getting through a difficult day, or even a not-so-difficult day, do you treat yourself by eating when you aren’t hungry?  If so, you’re among the great majority of people who want to lose weight, but consistently undermine their efforts with this habit. Chances are that your parents st...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

8 Ways that Your Brain Fools You

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - December 08, 2020 07:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
How often do you think the same negative thoughts about yourself or your life?  Have you ever thought about how those thoughts trip you up?  The thing is that most of those thoughts simply aren’t true!  This distorted information that your brain thinks has a name:  Cognitive bias.   Co...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Setbacks are Bruises, Not Tattoos

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - November 24, 2020 07:00 - 11 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
How often do you let a setback cause you to toss in the towel?  If you give up on your goals just because you made a mistake, you need to know this: Setbacks are a normal part of change. To quote Gareth Michael, “Each mistake is simply a lesson waiting to be discovered.”  Think about how t...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

5 Steps to Change Your Habits

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - November 10, 2020 07:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
The Weight Loss for Foodies approach is all about ditching your unconscious, unhealthy eating habits and establishing new ones that will not only help you enjoy eating more than ever, but will also move you towards a more comfortable weight.  So much of how most people eat is an unconscious ha...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Time to Reject the Culture of Thinness

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - October 27, 2020 05:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
I was listening to an episode of Cheryl Strayed’s Dear Sugars podcast in which she talked about her experience with Vogue magazine just before the release of Wild, her autobiography about transformation and overcoming adversity. Vogue was doing a piece about powerful women, and they wanted to fe...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

What's wrong with words like overweight or obese?

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - October 13, 2020 06:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
As a weight coach, I see one of my roles as fighting our cultural stigma about body size.  Sure I want to help people be at a weight where they’re comfortable, but weight stigma actually keeps you stuck.  Worse, it is one of the last bastions of what many people still consider an acceptable ...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Why Changing Your Diet Won't Give You the Results You Want

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - October 06, 2020 06:00 - 12 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
In the world of dieting, too much emphasis is placed on what to eat to lose weight. Diets prohibit you from eating certain foods, usually ones that taste really good. The ones you enjoy the most. Some of the most popular fad diets even prohibit you from eating nutritious foods like fruits, v...

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How Complaining Can Be Good for You

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - September 29, 2020 06:00 - 9 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been finding my level of stress and frustration is higher than usual. Notably higher. There’s COVID, which creates a constant undercurrent of stress. There’s a lot going on politically in the US that I find very upsetting and frustrating. And don’t we all h...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Lots of Exciting News

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - August 26, 2020 19:41 - 3 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Hello! I’ve got a lot of exciting news to share with you! 1. Free Kicking the Emotional Eating Habit for Good! workshop on Friday, August 28th at 1 pm Eastern. Grab your spot now at the link in the shownotes on for Episodes 127 and 128, or at 2. O...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Who You Are is Much More Important Than What Your Body Looks Like

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - August 25, 2020 06:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Who are some of the people you admire most?  They can be people you know personally, or people in the public eye, like celebrities, thought leaders, or artists.  Anyone.  Now think about what you admire  most about each one.  How many of them did you say, “their body?” Although I admire ...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Why You Need Self-Compassion to Lose Weight

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - August 18, 2020 06:00 - 19 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
You can’t hate yourself thin.  To the contrary, if you want to succeed at losing weight and keeping it off, you must start with a positive body image and be compassionate towards yourself.  Maybe you’re thinking, “how can I feel positively about this body? If I felt positively about it, I wo...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Why Ending Emotional Eating is a Game Changer

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - August 11, 2020 04:30 - 15 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Do you eat because of stress, to comfort yourself or avoid uncomfortable feelings? Eating for emotional reasons may be the single greatest cause of overeating and weight gain.  It’s the reason why most dieters gain the weight back.  Emotional eating is instant gratification.  It’s a dist...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

The Number One Barrier to Weight Loss

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - August 04, 2020 06:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Do you eat in response to your body’s hunger signals?  Or do you eat routinely when you aren’t hungry? Hmmm. Hunger. Have you checked in with yours lately? Here are some examples of  eating when you aren’t hungry: You eat at set times without even thinking about whether you’re hungry, lik...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Commitment, Persistence and Consistency are the Keys to Success

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - July 28, 2020 06:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Are you merely consuming content about weight loss, or are you actually doing the work?   “No great achievement is possible without persistent work.”  Those words of Bertrand Russell are applicable to changing your eating habits, achieving food freedom and reaching your healthy weight. Sur...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Detox Your Mind of Thoughts That Weigh You Down

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - July 14, 2020 06:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Do you have issues with food and eating that are rooted in a negative self-image?  Do you hate the way you look?  Is your ability to see all of your strengths and gifts is clouded by your focus on the things about yourself that you don’t like, or that you think are inadequate?  This episod...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

6 Steps for Getting Back on Track After Backsliding

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - July 07, 2020 06:00 - 13 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
You’ve made a bunch of changes to your eating habits.  You’re listening to your body, eating when you’re hungry, stopping when lightly full. Eating consciously without distractions. You’ve stuck with it for weeks or even a few months or years.  You’ve lost weight, feel great, and discovere...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

What Are You REALLY Hungry For?

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - June 30, 2020 06:00 - 20 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
How often do you choose to eat for a reason that has nothing whatsoever to do with whether your body is physically hungry?  Maybe you want to eat because a certain food looks or smells good. Or because you’re worried about whether you can pay your bills. Or because you’re lonely, or are ha...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

How to Move Your Emotions

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - June 23, 2020 06:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Your emotions are super important. Emotions are your body’s way of trying to get your attention. Were you taught to ignore them or squash them down?  Did your parents expect you to not feel or hide your anger, frustration, boredom or whatever other uncomfortable feelings you had?  Maybe ...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Why It's So Hard to Lose Weight

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - June 16, 2020 06:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
A report issued within the diet industry around 2002 stated, “In 2002, 231 million Europeans attempted some form of diet. Of these only 1 percent will achieve permanent weight loss.” If that isn’t proof that the diet industry is well aware that what it is selling doesn’t work, I don’t know wha...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Coming Home to Your Body

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - June 09, 2020 06:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Do you focus on what’s wrong with your body, rather than what’s right with it?  Do you focus on what  your body can’t do, rather than what it can and does do?  Our bodies are truly awesome. They are incredibly intelligent.  Our bodies receive and process millions of bits of sensory informa...

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The Magic of Changing Just One Thing!

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - May 26, 2020 06:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
How many times have you heard this saying? “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Yet so many people have difficulty reaching their weight goals because they’re stuck in a repetitive pattern of doing the same thing that doesn’t work, over and ...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

How to Help Your Kids Have a Healthy Relationship with Food

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - May 19, 2020 06:00 - 22 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Approximately 91 percent of women report that they are dissatisfied with their bodies.  This body dissatisfaction starts early because half of teenage girls and a quarter of teenage boys report being dissatisfied with THEIR bodies.  Pretty alarming and sad stats, huh? This is contagious. H...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

Managing the Voice Inside Your Head

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - May 12, 2020 06:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Do you have a voice inside your head that can be really negative at times?  Does it diss you about all kinds of things?  Tell you that you suck?  You’re a failure?  You can’t do whatever?  We all have that voice to some degree, some of us a lot worse than others.  We all experience i...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

How Do I Know What My Body Wants to Eat?

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - May 05, 2020 06:00 - 17 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Are you confused about how to tell what your body wants to eat when you’re hungry?  Why eat when you’re hungry anyway? Your body’s hunger and fullness signals, which are controlled by your hormones, are there to tell you precisely how much food you need to be your healthy body weight.  If ...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

How to Overcome Resistance--Part II

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - April 28, 2020 06:00 - 23 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
In Episode 111, we learned  what causes resistance and how cultivating a growth mindset is a major approach to breaking through it.  Today, in part 2 about resistance, we’re talking about how to investigate where your resistance comes from so that you can get to the bottom of what’s causing it...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

4 Ways to Manage Boredom Without Eating

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - April 21, 2020 06:00 - 18 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Have you been bored while sheltering in place? Are you eating more because you’re bored?  Learning to manage and even eliminate boredom will help you feel better both mentally and physically. And will end boredom eating! Jon Kabat-Zinn said, “When you pay attention to boredom, it gets unbe...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

How to Overcome Resistance-Part I – Mindset

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - April 14, 2020 06:00 - 16 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
Do you hate change, or do you easily go with the flow?  Do you find yourself resisting implementing even small shifts in how you eat? Some of my clients are happy to make the changes I believe are necessary to have a healthy, peaceful relationship with food and eating, and others are resista...

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder artwork

5 Steps to Transform Your Relationship with Food (or anything else!)

Weight Loss for Foodies podcast | Ditch the Diet and Lose Weight with Shari Broder - April 07, 2020 06:00 - 14 minutes ★★★★★ - 116 ratings
If you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, you’ve heard me say many times that awareness is the ever-important first step in changing your relationship with food and eating, and losing the weight for good.  In this episode, we look not only at the importance of awareness, but at all...

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