Latest Complexttrauma Podcast Episodes

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The System of Meaning CPTSD Provides Us (Part 2)

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - May 05, 2023 14:41 - 45 minutes
Welcome back to another installment of our ongoing exploration of the big symptom categories of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). In this special episode, which was recorded live on Instagram, we explore the fifth symptom category of CPTSD: the loss of a system of meaning. In part ...

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The System of Meaning CPTSD Provides Us

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - April 21, 2023 10:49 - 34 minutes
Firstly, I’d like to start by saying that I am seeing a collective healing happening all around me. I am proud of all of you for giving yourselves the permission to level up, expand, and fully express yourselves. The loss of a system of meaning is the 5th symptom category of CPTSD and, in my opi...

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Detachment from the Trauma & CPTSD (Part Two)

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - April 15, 2023 02:37 - 24 minutes
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder recovery is all about recovering the inner sense of innocence. Today, I want to encourage you to return to your body and awaken your senses so that you can be fully present for this special episode. If you haven’t listened to the previous episode in this tw...

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Trauma Detachment and CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - April 07, 2023 22:42 - 23 minutes
Detaching from trauma and pretending that distressing events didn’t even happen has become a very tragic part of the human condition. Please note that this episode carries a trigger warning for complex post-traumatic stress disorder and sexual assault so please listen with care. Today on the CPT...

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Difficulties with Relationships & CPTSD (Part 2)

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - March 31, 2023 13:31 - 36 minutes
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) can profoundly impact one's quality of life. However, with proper treatment, people with CPTSD can learn to manage their symptoms and improve their well-being. But what about relationships? The impact of CPTSD on interpersonal relationships is signi...

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Difficulties with Relationships & CPTSD (Part 1)

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - March 24, 2023 23:38 - 45 minutes
Human beings are social creatures. We rely on one another not just for survival but for meaning, connection, and the nourishing of our spirit. When our ability to form and maintain healthy relationships is compromised at a young age, it can have a ripple effect, creating protective mechanisms (a...

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Healing through Co-Creation with the Universe

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - March 17, 2023 20:36 - 38 minutes
The process of co-creation is not always taught by our early caregivers, but it is something that can be learned from another source. During today’s episode, we dive into the topic of healing through co-creation with the universe. While healed humans can offer us co-creation with many of our Par...

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Understanding Your Negative Self-View

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - March 10, 2023 14:40 - 27 minutes
As we continue our exploration of some of the symptoms of CPTSD in Season 8 and unpack them survivor-to-survivor, today we dialogue with the second symptom category which is a negative self-view. We break down what a negative self-view is, why this term feels so inadequate, and why this conditio...

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Separating Our Emotions from Fear and Survival Instincts through Co-Regulation

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - March 03, 2023 18:13 - 29 minutes
One of the signature symptoms of complex trauma is difficulties in controlling one’s emotions. In light of this, today we discuss co-regulation. Tuning in, you’ll hear what co-regulation is and why it’s such an important part of being human. Complex trauma affects a child’s ability to co-regulat...

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A Deeper Look at Emotional Control & CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - February 24, 2023 15:10 - 37 minutes
During Season 8, we’re exploring all the ways that CPTSD symptoms show up in our lived experiences, and ways of identifying the root cause of each symptom to offer your system release and start to reprogram its responses. In today’s episode, we begin to dive deeper into what it means to have emo...

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The Most Important Milestone for CPTSD Recovery

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - February 16, 2023 21:48 - 31 minutes
If you asked me: what is the one thing that will aid me the most in my complex trauma recovery journey? I would say that you have to learn how to hold your own energy. Today, I break down what this means, what I’ve learned about it, and how you can create an internal sense of safety and facilita...

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3 Things to Celebrate In Your CPTSD Recovery

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - February 14, 2023 11:48 - 9 minutes
Hello love. ❤️ On my mission to change the way we offer complex trauma recovery to humans, today I’m going to break down a list of things we should celebrate more. Tuning in, you’ll be reminded of the things that you’ve put down in order to heal and the hard things you’ve done to take your energ...

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Common Misunderstandings of IFS for CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - February 10, 2023 22:10 - 20 minutes
Hello love. ❤️ Welcome back to another episode of HELD by Tanner. Today I share an emotional IFS experience around broken personal boundaries and dealing with critical inner voices, intense negativity, ricocheting workarounds, and the deepest betrayals. Healing from complex trauma can sometimes ...

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Mantras For Your CPTSD Recovery Journey

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - January 12, 2023 02:38 - 11 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Compassion While Healing CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - January 12, 2023 02:36 - 12 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Your Past & CPTSD Recovery

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - January 12, 2023 02:31 - 18 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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5 Circuits of Healing Power for CPTSD Recovery

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 29, 2022 12:44 - 1 hour
Hello love ❤️ Here's the link for the 2023 Self-Paced Journey + Community Support 5 Circuits of Healing Power We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summe...

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Reframing Setbacks In CPTSD Healing

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 22, 2022 17:48 - 7 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Self Leadership & CPTSD Recovery

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 22, 2022 17:47 - 13 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Stuck in your CPTSD healing journey?

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 22, 2022 17:41 - 13 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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How Do I Heal My CPTSD?

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 02, 2022 23:23 - 32 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Do I have CPTSD?

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 02, 2022 17:08 - 21 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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What is CPTSD?

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - December 02, 2022 13:40 - 33 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Source Energy & Healing CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - November 16, 2022 16:36 - 36 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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First Thing To Know As A Human With CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - November 04, 2022 14:22 - 46 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Phases of Healing CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - October 21, 2022 23:10 - 32 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Recovery From CPTSD While Partnered

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - October 07, 2022 15:06 - 47 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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The Hard Truth About CPTSD: No One Is Coming To Save You

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - September 27, 2022 15:08 - 45 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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Wanting someone to come save you? Try this instead. Part 2

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - September 27, 2022 15:08 - 45 minutes
Hello my love!!!! We’re connected. We found each other!  Let’s deepen our connection. Come find me on IG and Facebook  Want information on my healing containers delivered straight to your email inbox? Join my Offe...

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Connecting With Self Energy To Heal Your CPTSD

CPTSD Medicine Podcast - September 13, 2022 19:42 - 42 minutes
Hello love ❤️ We found each other. This podcast has such a tender place in my heart. When I hit record back in the late spring, early summer of 2020, I had no idea the journey that would unfold in front of me. This podcast is essentially an audio diary of my own evolution and growth over the...

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