Latest Avoid debt Podcast Episodes

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122 - The Different Types of Debt Licensed Insolvency Trustee Deal With

DebtMatters Podcast - September 29, 2023 13:00 - 19 minutes
All debts are not created equal. The kind of debt you hold may affect your options when you seek help. Most debt falls into two categories: secured and unsecured. And before you come up with a plan to pay your debt, it’s important to understand how different types of debt work. Everyone’s financ...

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121 - Is There Life After Bankruptcy Discharge?

DebtMatters Podcast - September 26, 2023 13:00 - 17 minutes
The Bankruptcy process gives you the chance to reestablish your financial security. Receiving a discharge is the final step and means you are released from all obligations to repay all debts in your Bankruptcy filing. You can then start to rebuild your credit score. A record of your Bankruptcy w...

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120 - What Debt Collection Agency Can and Cannot Do

DebtMatters Podcast - September 21, 2023 14:14 - 15 minutes
Many debt collectors and collection agencies assume that debtors are not aware of their rights. And because of this, some resort to unscrupulous methods to persuade you to pay. There are rules and regulations that they must adhere to, though each of the province’s laws vary. This raises a lot of...

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119 - How Will My Low Credit Score Affect My Ability To Rent

DebtMatters Podcast - September 19, 2023 02:33 - 14 minutes
Bad credit can be a hindrance for many things, including finding a place to live. Many landlords use credit scores as a way to gauge an applicant's financial stability. However, having an imperfect credit history doesn’t mean that you will never be able to rent a home. There are plenty of landlo...

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118 - How to Protect Yourself Against Fraud

DebtMatters Podcast - September 09, 2023 13:00 - 21 minutes
Fraudsters and scammers are getting more creative and innovative as technology evolves. They are operating increasingly elaborate schemes and are able to prey on anyone with a phone, email address or a credit card. It’s important to be aware of the different types of scams and to know how to spo...

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117- How Worrying About Debt Can Affect Your Health

DebtMatters Podcast - September 08, 2023 13:00 - 20 minutes
Many of us, from all walks of life, are worried about money. There is an abundance of research that indicates that financial worry and stress can have a detrimental affect on both our mental and physical health. Whether the problems stem from a job loss, divorce, unexpected expenses or a combina...

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116- Household Debt and Insolvencies are Surging in Canada

DebtMatters Podcast - September 02, 2023 13:00 - 17 minutes
Household debt in Canada has risen steadily year after year. The high levels of debt make the economy vulnerable to any global economic crisis. As a result, more Canadians are having to face insolvency options as it becomes increasingly difficult to manage their debt. In today’s podcast Licensed...

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115 - Is There an Advantage to Paying Off My Consumer Proposal Early

DebtMatters Podcast - August 31, 2023 13:00 - 14 minutes
Filing a Consumer Proposal has become the most popular option to help Canadians manage their debt. In fact, 75% of insolvent debtors are choosing to file a Consumer Proposals as opposed to only 25% filing for Bankruptcy. There is good reason for this choice. But what happens if your circumstance...

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114 - Life After Bankruptcy

DebtMatters Podcast - August 25, 2023 13:00 - 19 minutes
Contrary to what you may believe, life doesn’t end after Bankruptcy. You will be cleared of your unsecured debts and can start to rebuild your credit and regain financial stability. Once you receive your discharge, you have the opportunity for a fresh start. Filing Bankruptcy may be the best via...

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113 - How to Spot Bad Financial Advice

DebtMatters Podcast - August 21, 2023 18:11 - 16 minutes
Do you know where to turn for financial advice? We tend to think that anyone calling themselves a Debt Advisor, Debt Consultant, or Credit Counsellor must be qualified and have a formal financial education. This is not always the case. In Canada, anyone can offer debt advice and call themselves ...

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112 - How Human Nature Leads Us Down the Wrong Financial Path

DebtMatters Podcast - July 22, 2023 13:00 - 19 minutes
When it comes to finances, you can probably come up with a list of excuses as to why you haven’t done certain things, like saving money. You can probably come up with another long list of bad financial decisions you have made. Not every financial mistake is a big deal, but some have serious repe...

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111 - What Is Shrinkflation?

DebtMatters Podcast - July 19, 2023 15:50 - 17 minutes
Have you noticed that package sizes seem to be shrinking - that the grocery item in your cart is smaller but the price is the same or even more? This is called shrinkflation and it isn’t new. It’s the inflation that you’re not supposed to see. Manufacturers are quietly shrinking package sizes wi...

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110 - How Credit Cards Can Become a Problem

DebtMatters Podcast - July 14, 2023 13:00 - 18 minutes
Consumer debt in Canada is on the rise as many Canadians are using their credit cards to alleviate some of their financial pressures. This reliance on credit cards is driving many further into debt as they lose the ability to pay credit off. Inflation has driven prices of nearly everything up an...

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109 - Life After Filing a Consumer Proposal

DebtMatters Podcast - July 12, 2023 13:00 - 17 minutes
A recent report on Canadians’ confidence in their personal finances, found that roughly half were worried about how they will pay their next round of bills. And nearly one-third said they were finding it harder than ever before to pay down their debt. There are options available to you to get ou...

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108 - Top Reasons for Declaring Bankruptcy

DebtMatters Podcast - June 29, 2023 08:00 - 16 minutes
Most money problems are caused by events beyond our control. It’s a common misconception to think that people who are insolvent have spent their way into Bankruptcy. A job loss, illness, injury or marital breakdown can often be the last straw for someone in a precarious financial position. In t...

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107 - Why You Should File Bankruptcy Before the End of the Year

DebtMatters Podcast - June 27, 2023 10:00 - 16 minutes
If you are heading deeper into debt, know you are not alone. Many Canadians are struggling to keep afloat in these precarious times. Filing for Bankruptcy may be your best option, depending on your individual circumstances. But is there a better time of the year to file? You may be surprised to ...

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106 - What Happens If You Can’t Pay Your Mortgage or Car Loan

DebtMatters Podcast - June 07, 2023 08:00 - 15 minutes
Many Canadians increased their debt levels during the pandemic due to low interest rates and now are finding themselves vulnerable to interest rate spikes. In challenging situations, most debtors will typically miss credit card payments, lines of credit or auto loans before mortgages. Whatever p...

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105 - What Happens to Your Debt When You Die

DebtMatters Podcast - June 05, 2023 08:00 - 15 minutes
It’s a common sentiment that we don’t want to burden our loved ones when we pass away. But despite all good intentions - many Canadians will die in debt. If you die with debt in Canada, does your spouse or kids inherit your debt or does it simply disappear when you do? Which of your debts have t...

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104 - What Happens When You Receive an Inheritance, Windfall or Your Income Increases While Bankrupt

DebtMatters Podcast - June 02, 2023 08:00 - 14 minutes
Receiving money from an inheritance or some sort of random windfall is something we all dream about. But what happens when that dream becomes a reality and the money becomes payable to you when you are in Bankruptcy? And what happens if your financial situation improves while you are bankrupt? ...

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103 - Bankruptcy BC Canada: What Are the Options?

DebtMatters Podcast - May 29, 2023 12:00 - 17 minutes
More and more Canadians are finding it difficult to keep their head above water, financially. Debt can be debilitating no matter what province you live in. British Columbia is no different. Carrying debt comes at a high cost. The stress of managing your finances in these unpredictable times can ...

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102 - Planning Your Retirement in Canada

DebtMatters Podcast - May 26, 2023 08:00 - 15 minutes
Retirement isn’t the same as it was in our parents' day. Declining workplace pension plans and the increased lifespan of Canadians are factors that need to be taken into account when planning. When you start saving and investing can make a difference in how much retirement income you will eventu...

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101 - When Debt Is Not A Four Letter Word

DebtMatters Podcast - May 23, 2023 00:00 - 17 minutes
Debt is sometimes divided into two categories - good and bad. It’s important to understand the difference between the two so you can improve your financial situation. But as we all know, nothing is ever all good just like nothing is ever all bad. Can good debt turn into bad? And is there ever a ...

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100 - Why Is It Important to Support Local Businesses

DebtMatters Podcast - May 13, 2023 10:17 - 25 minutes
Shopping where you live has a huge impact on the local economy. Your support can be far-reaching as every dollar spent locally gets circulated 3 or 4 more times ensuring your money stays in the community. While it’s not always possible to buy everything you need locally, finding a balance betwee...

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99 - Can CRA Seize Wages or Freeze Bank Account?

DebtMatters Podcast - April 27, 2023 08:00 - 14 minutes
Tax debt is one of the most serious kinds of debt given the powers of the CRA to collect. The main difference between the CRA’s and other creditors' ability to collect, is that they can freeze your bank account without a court order. Since they don’t need to go to court, they are much more likel...

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98 - Financial Literacy: Guide to Personal Finances

DebtMatters Podcast - April 26, 2023 08:00 - 16 minutes
Financial literacy is the ability to understand and effectively use skills such as budgeting, saving, taxation, and investing. When you are financially literate you have the foundation of a relationship with money. Achieving financial literacy is crucial in today’s world as we navigate through e...

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97 - Can You Cancel a Consumer Proposal?

DebtMatters Podcast - April 25, 2023 08:00 - 22 minutes
If you are overwhelmed with credit card debt, student loans, tax debt, payday loans or any other unsecured liabilities filing a Consumer Proposal may be your best option. A Consumer Proposal is a debt settlement solution where an offer is made to your unsecured creditors to settle your debts. Wh...

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96 - How to Budget and Save for Retirement

DebtMatters Podcast - April 24, 2023 09:00 - 21 minutes
Canadians think they need savings of $1.7 million to retire according to a recent BMO survey. WIth a large majority of people struggling to make ends meet, saving for retirement seems out of reach. Realistically, how much do you need to retire? And what happens if you don’t have enough money sav...

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95 - How to Cope With Financial Stress

DebtMatters Podcast - April 11, 2023 08:00 - 23 minutes
Most of us have experienced money stress to some degree, but left unchecked, it can put you in a state of fear which can prevent you from facing your situation and moving forward. Financial worries can have an adverse effect on both your psychological and physical health. Taking measurable actio...

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94 - What Is the Importance of Last Will and Testament?

DebtMatters Podcast - April 10, 2023 08:00 - 21 minutes
A will is a legal and binding document that allows you to determine how you want to have your assets distributed after you die. Having a will in place gives you a chance to clearly communicate your intentions and to name an Executor that will manage your estate according to your wishes. Do you a...

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93 - Canada’s Rising Interest Rates and Consumer Debt

DebtMatters Podcast - April 09, 2023 08:00 - 17 minutes
Very few Canadians are 100% debt-free. Debt is normal but over the past year consumer debt has notably increased. Even though inflation is slowly easing, it is still relatively high. Unfortunately wages haven’t grown with inflation leaving the average Canadian with less money to spend. This mean...

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