Retirement isn’t the same as it was in our parents' day. Declining workplace pension plans and the increased lifespan of Canadians are factors that need to be taken into account when planning. When you start saving and investing can make a difference in how much retirement income you will eventually have access to. But wherever you are on the scale, retirement planning can provide you with an outline of where you want to go and how you’ll get there.

How prepared are you for your retirement? Are there things you can be doing now to compensate for the loss of your income in the future?

Bonnie Hooley answers these questions and more. She discusses:

How the inflation rate affects retirement incomeHaving debt when you retireHealth insurance, life insurance and estate planningMaking lifestyle adjustments - living on 70% of your incomeClearing up debt before retirementTalking to an expert sooner rather than later

Speaking with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee ensures that you are getting the best qualified advice. They are federally regulated and licensed by the Canadian government and will give you information you can trust.

About Bonnie Hooley

Bonnie Hooley has worked in the insolvency field for over 40 years. She attained her Licensed Insolvency Trustee license in 1999 and is the Past President of the Manitoba Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (MAIRP). Over the years, she has served on various boards within her community.  

Additional Resources LCTaylor Licensed Insolvency TrusteeThe Senior Citizen Debt Crisis: How to Cope With Debt in Your Golden YearsWhat Options Are There for Seniors in Debt?