Previous Episode: JUST TURN THE PAGE

Usually whatever happens we want to change it, fix it, do something about it. We want to control our experience, take charge and even dominate it. When we react in this manner, we are always looking for what's wrong. Our day becomes a battle between one problem and another. Rather than just "allowing" the day to appear as it does, for experiences to come and go, everything becomes a power struggle. We are desperate to make everything as "we like it" and to push away what we consider unpleasant.  This approach to life, makes us tense, angry and often feeling like a failure. There is a radically simple and yet wonderful way to release this on going stress. Engage in the great act of "allowing".. Allow each person to be who they are, allow each moment to do what it does. Become a beholder and allow life to live.  As we do this, things open up, come and go naturally. They reveal who they are and what they truly want of us. And in the process harmony and well rule the day.