So often we go searching wildly  for something we think we lack. Suddenly, we want it badly, and we'll do everything we can to find it, look everywhere. Hours can go by as we engage in the search,  even days.  Perhaps we are reading a book and an idea hits us. We feel we must know more, find another book with more information about it.  Swept away in the search it is easy to forget where we are right now, and what is here, right under our eyes. Even though we may be holding the book in our hand, we never think of turning the page. The very next page, and the ones that follow may contain all that we are hungering for.  The other day this happened to me. Hours passed as I searched everywhere and put the book I had down beside me.  Hours later I returned to the book, picked up where I'd left off and to my amazement, found all I needed, and more,  right there.  How often this happens in our life. So important to stay right where we are and see what we find when we just turn the page.