00:54 – Introducing today’s guest, Giovanni Marsico

02:06 – Giovanni’s business background

03:32 – Giovanni’s views on money

04:52 – Finding balance between making money and serving others

06:19 – Giovanni speaks to the pressure he felt as a young man

08:22 – How Giovanni views work

08:57 – Community building

12:13 – Giovanni shares secrets about his Archangel events

14:03 – How Giovanni has differentiated his business

16:32 – Lessons learned from developing the Archangel community

17:58 – Giovanni’s early financial decision-making

19:27 – Learning from past mistakes

21:02 – Strategic advice Giovanni gives entrepreneurs

23:47 – How Giovanni continues to integrate fresh ideas into his business

25:13 – Giovanni speaks to managing his team

26:56 – The importance of transparency

29:42 – What Zen Money means to Giovanni

31:02 – Giovanni leaves the audience with one key takeaway

31:40 – Where listeners can connect with Giovanni

Sound Bites:

“I slowly discovered that dreaming is a superpower of mine. That when I have my head in the clouds – the thing I was told not to do – I perform at my best.” (02:41)

“To me, money has no polarity. It’s just the tool that you use to achieve the mission.” (03:58)

“I probably work harder than the average person. It doesn’t feel like it. It feels like I’m a producer, creator and artist. I believe that we can all get to that point where work doesn’t feel like an obligation, it feels like a fascination.” (08:22)

“You can’t read the label of the jar you’re in.” (10:25)

“I focus on building the tribe first and then servicing them versus building the product first and figuring who needs the thing.” (12:37)

“If you can evoke emotion, you will retain wisdom.” (16:03)

“You want to get to your zone of genius as quickly as possible, because that’s where momentum happens, that’s where the biggest impact and revenue happens.” (22:48)

“That, to me, is what Zen Money is. Scaling and growing, impacting mission first so that you can serve so many people in a way that’s never highly stressed where you’re always creating, you’re always feeling like an artist, and always staying in that place.” (30:29)

About Giovanni Marsico

Giovanni is the founder of Archangel Academy a private membership community of mission-driven entrepreneurs that are making the world a better place through purpose-driven entrepreneurship and philanthropy.

Giovanni hosts his flagship mastermind event, Archangel Academy, every January in the Los Angeles area, and the epic Archangel Summit every fall in Toronto. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram to learn more, and be sure to check out the Archangel community.

Links Mentioned:

Giovanni’s Website

Zen Money Financial Quiz

Zen Money Website