00:50 – Introducing today’s guest, Brian Bogaert

01:45 – Brian talks about how he became a wealth coach

04:37 – A great, early foundation in money

06:13 – The biggest issue facing entrepreneurs, according to Brian

11:38 – The importance of seeing the big picture

13:54 – Brian’s work as a wealth coach

14:51 – Making a difference in the world

17:43 – The value of setting up your money to work for you

20:20 – Brian’s favorite ways to invest

21:23 – What Zen Money means to Brian

23:04 – Key takeaways Brian wants the audience to know

25:13 – Where listeners can find Brian


• “The more money you create for yourself, the more freedom you can have in your life. And, for me, freedom is really what I’m after.” (05:21)

• “By building wealth in your business and for yourself, you actually launch yourself into a different stratosphere for the kind of difference you can make in the world.” (16:02)

• “Here’s the beautiful part about money. It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It never takes a sick day. It never goes on vacation, right? When you set it up correctly, it’s working for you all the time.” (17:43)

• “I’ve made more money in real estate than anything else I’ve ever undertaken.” (20:56)

• “When your economy is in a Zen state, it doesn’t matter what’s going on around you.” (22:22)

Links Mentioned:

Brian’s Website – http://nlscoaching.com/

Brian’s Email – [email protected]

Brian’s Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/brian.bogaert

Brian’s LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianbogaert

Zen Money Website – https://www.zenmoneymap.com/