In this episode, we dive into the next pillar holding up your palace of Power. I call the spillage “Presence,” and it includes many parts. A simple definition of presence can be an awareness and understanding of something. You could describe this as “being present to. ” Another definition is a beingness. 
You are here, therefore you are present. Are you really? Are you here with your mind? Are you here with all your senses, including the unexplained ones beyond the five traditional tools we know of? There are many layers of presence, and all are required to create the maximum power of creation. Understanding all these nuances will increase your joy and your powers of creation.
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In this episode, we dive into the next pillar holding up your palace of Power. I call the spillage “Presence,” and it includes many parts. A simple definition of presence can be an awareness and understanding of something. You could describe this as “being present to. ” Another definition is a beingness. 

You are here, therefore you are present. Are you really? Are you here with your mind? Are you here with all your senses, including the unexplained ones beyond the five traditional tools we know of? There are many layers of presence, and all are required to create the maximum power of creation. Understanding all these nuances will increase your joy and your powers of creation.

Connect with Kellan on social media at: 







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