In the old days of traveling for me, we relied on fast food chains, processed foods, and bad sandwiches.  This was considered normal eating for us, but not every day. When we decided to change our lifestyle and eating habits, I had no clue how to travel without bringing the whole kit 'n caboodle including the kitchen sink.

It's tough to stick to your usual and healthy diet while traveling, but it's not impossible. You barely have time to sleep, let alone think about how you will find healthy foods to eat, but there are some steps you can take to eat right while you're away. By taking a few extra minutes to adequately prepare for your trip and making wise choices when you are on the road, you can fuel your body and get the energy you need to power through your busy days. Don't miss our tips for eating healthy on the road.   You'll find you can save money as well and enjoy the local foods.

I know when we travel and eat well we stay healthy, feel great and have more fun.

Photo credits:  by Gualberto107,rakratchada torsap, and Serge Bertasius Photography at